NAIS in the Southeast Southeastern Livestock Network By Jim Akers
Uses of Electronic ID Value Added Feeder Calf Marketing Slaughter cow value added Farm Record Keeping NAIS Pilot Carcass data programs Value added heifer marketing
What/Why SLN SLN is an LLC formed by the cattleman’s associations in 10 SE states. LLC to provide the ability to operate as a business, receive and distribute funding Decisions made by members from many sectors: LMA, Cattleman’s, Farm Bureau, State Animal Health, Extension
Goals Insure consistency across the region by facilitating communication at all levels. Insuring that the concerns of all sectors of production and marketing are heard on the national scene. Providing an affordable and simple data system that gives producers flexibility and control of data. Enhance the market potential of data to drive producer understanding and participation.
Value Added Feeder Calf Sales KY CPH 45 and others –EID as a means of efficiently managing co- mingled sales. –EID provides an ability to have unique and standardized tracking of animals without taking away the visual identity of a program tag. –EID allows for confidential, secure sharing of data along the production/marketing chain.
Value Added Slaughter Cows FPL Foods, LLC –End product user on USDA NAIS Pilot –Now offering market incentive for regular sale participation. –Producer signs affidavit declaring farm of origin. –Cow tagged with EID to insure integrity. –Premiums paid for end product. –SLN system manages data for all parties.
NAIS Pilot 10 Cooperating states in SLN Each state will host at least one demonstration sale and educational event. Slaughter cows will be tagged with EID Tracked through the market to the processor. Data utilized to demonstrate how traceability can work… regulatory/market.
Other Programs Farm Record Keeping Bred Heifer Marketing Carcass Data Collection EID has provided the standardization that was needed to allow efficient management of these. Accumulated records can be used at chute side with minimal effort Easily tie records that come in the future back to the right animal and producers in the system.
Summary SLN is working to insure that the small producer and market in the SE is not disadvantaged by the implementation of NAIS. Working to insure that SE producers have an option to take advantage of the premium that exists early in the implementation of NAIS. Setting a precedent for reasonable costs of products and services and the business rules that should govern data sharing and use.
Southeastern Livestock Network, LLC Jim Akers Executive Director (859)