International migration and development: Data needs and gaps The 2013 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development: Data implications.


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Presentation transcript:

International migration and development: Data needs and gaps The 2013 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development: Data implications Side event of the 44 th Statistics Commission New York, 27 February 2013 Bela Hovy, Chief Migration Section, Population Division Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) United Nations

High-level Dialogue on Migration and Development, 3-4 October 2013, New York Overall theme Identifying concrete measures to strengthen coherence and cooperation at all levels, with a view to enhancing the benefits of international migration for migrants and countries alike and its important links to development, while reducing its negative impacts RT1: International migration, sustainable development and post-2015 development agenda RT2: Migrant rights, smuggling & trafficking, regular migration, women and children RT3: Partnerships, cooperation, mainstreaming migration into development policies RT4: Labour mobility and its impact on development United Nations, Population Division/DESA

Repeated calls to improve evidence base 2006 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development Various General Assembly resolutions 32 out of 250 recommendations of the Global Forum on Migration and Development ( ) on improving data United Nations, Population Division/DESA

Migration data of the Population Division, DESA Stocks Global estimates (age, sex, origin) Flows Immigration/emigration: 43 countries (31 with outflows) Labour permits (exits): 10 countries Net migration (estimates and projections) What to assume for the future? United Nations, Population Division/DESA

Population census Why? trends (South-South migration) ‘diaspora’ migration corridors regional mobility skills, education Issues lack of reporting delays in availability long data interval irregular migrants United Nations, Population Division/DESA

Example of use of country of birth/citizenship Most migration occurs within regions rather than across regions International migrants living in the same major area as they were born, 2010 United Nations, Population Division/DESA

Administrative sources Why? circular migration timely data on trends reasons for migration (permits, visa, entry-exit) detailed characteristics at minimal costs Issues comparison difficult few countries regular migration only United Nations, Population Division/DESA

Example of differences in administrative data Labour exit permits in South and South- Eastern Asia Sending country By destination country By sex By age By skill level By occupa- tion Re- newal Recruiting agencies Bangladesh xx India Indonesia x Nepal , Pakistan xx Philippines xxx Sri Lanka xxxxx Thailand x United Nations, Population Division/DESA

Migration surveys Why? impacts on countries of origin, transit and destination, migrants (health, education, income) (post-2015 UN development agenda) Causes (reasons) detailed characteristics higher chance of reaching irregular migrants Issues lack of dedicated funding complexity of survey design Comparability / ad hoc United Nations, Population Division/DESA

75% 70% 51% 65% 60% 26% 75% 68% 34% Number and percentage of countries with migrant stock data, (1990, 2000, 2010) The number of countries with available migrant stock data is decreasing...

...however, experiences differ between regions United Nations, Population Division/DESA Total By origin By age Percentage of countries over major area with migrant stock data, (1990, 2000, 2010) Africa Asia Latin America and the Caribbean

Country of birth/citizenship not available for most countries which held a census during United Nations, Population Division/DESA Countries with data on origin of migrant stock, by conducted census, 2010 round ( )

How to strengthen data collection on international migration?  Ask basic questions, and tabulate the answers National statistical offices, DESA, UNFPA, World Bank  Exploit administrative data sources Ministries in charge of migration, statistical offices  Leverage existing surveys World Bank, MICS (UNICEF), DHS, ILO  Provide access to micro-data Ministries in charge of migration, statistical offices  Build capacity Global Migration Group?

How can the global statistical community engage ? (2013 High-level Dialogue, UNSC, CPD, etc.) Global, designated programme to improve migration data from all sources, to support migration policy Capacity-building, training Implement existing standards (develop new standards where necessary) Build on existing tools, projects, partnerships World Survey Programme on Migration? United Nations, Population Division/DESA