Internet solutions to the challenges of globalization David Nunan Senior ELT Advisor MagicalLab
Overview Unprecedented demand for English language. English, the language of business, entertainment, science and technology and popular culture. Demand for English language teaching far outstripping the capacity of the profession to deliver effective English language programs. The Internet as a tool for delivering cost0effective instruction.
Trends 1.An explosion in demand for language training worldwide. 2.Changing philosophies of language and language learning
An explosion in demand for language training worldwide Trend 1: An explosion in demand for language training worldwide Study of 25,000 employees of global corporations, 91% said that English was “critical” or “important” to their current position. Only 9% said that their English was sufficient to do their job.
Purposes for English use in the workplace Telephone calls (77%) Socializing with co-workers and clients (66%) Meetings (64%) s (63%) Answering questions (58%) (Source: TIRF)
The impact of multilingualism High levels of multilingualism = greater chance of employment and higher wages Small – medium businesses lose tens of millions of dollars because of poor language skills.
Assessing applicants’ language capabilities Job interviews and tests Most common tests: Europe – Cambridge exams and CEF links assessments TOEIC
Promoting language proficiency Instructed and self-directed Onsite and offsite classes, one-on- one and small group tutoring Individual development plans Just-in-time on-the-job support e-mentoring and e-tutoring
Time to proficiency Intermediate: 400 – 1,200 hours Advanced: 800 – 2,400 hours
Implications “multilingualism facilitates participation in the global economy and is a critical factor in upward and global mobility and social and cultural integration” “Nations that promote multilingualism create individuals with skills that global corporations value” (TIRF)
Changing philosophies of language and language learning Trend 2 Changing philosophies of language and language learning Language as a body of content to be mastered to pass exams versus language as a tool for communication
Challenges - Corporations Technology has created expectation for frequent and instant communication Need for English communication now stretches across all levels of the organization and is growing quarterly Global companies are increasingly knowledge-centric Classroom instruction is not practical as a total solution for logistical and cost reasons – need a more scalable solution Employees cannot advance without English communication skills
Challenges - Instruction Explosion in demand for trained teachers Differentiated curricula for different learner needs: ESP versus GPE Inadequacy of lock- step instruction for individualization Standards and performance based instruction
Roles for Internet Resources As a replacement for the teacher As a supplement to classroom instruction As a learning management tool As a performance support or productivity tool As a resource for retooling classroom instruction Democratizes learning in corporations Improvements in technological delivery of training… more interactive, engaging and effective that in the past
As a Learning Management Tool Individualized study plans Anywhere / anytime instruction Patient tutoring Self-pacing A private space to make mistakes Immediate, personalized feedback
Further Information Nunan, D The role of language and culture within the accountancy workplace In C. Barron, N. Bruce and D. Nunan (Eds.) Knowledge and Discourse: Towards and Ecology of Language. London: Longman/Pearson. Nunan, D The impact of English as a global language on educational policies and practices in the Asia-Pacific region. TESOL Quarterly, 37, 4, 2003, 589 – 613. Nunan, D The Evolution of Technology and Value of Online English Language Learning. While paper. San Francisco: GlobalEnglish. Urvin, J The Roles of English and Multilingualism in the Global Innovative Economy. TIRF.