SICILY “Young people promoter of themselves and their territory” APQ - Regional Youth Programme
Legal Basis (at European level) Commission White Paper entitled "A new impetus for European youth" (adopted on 2002). Communication from the Commission - Addressing the concerns of young people in Europe: Implementing the European youth pact and promoting active citizenship (2005). Youth in Action Program (2007 – 2013).
Participation, Voluntary service, Information and research. Priorities proposed by these documents:
Youth participation and active citizenship Youth autonomy European mobility In general, these documents aim at allowing a better participation of young people (even if they are not members of association or NGO). In this context, the EU asks public authorities the open of the doors to young people as ordinary citizens. The main aims are represented by the promotion of:
Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Dipartimento della Gioventù Regione Siciliana
SICILY “Young people promoter of themselves and their territory” APQ - Regional Youth Programme
ACTION 5 “Directed towards Europe” The Sicilian Regional Councillorship for Social Policies will co-finance project under the calls for proposals Youth in Action, presented by Sicilian bodies. APQ - Regional Youth Programme
In particular, these projects must deal with the following objectives: youth participation in transnational activities; international mobility; active citizenship intervention; entrepreneurial attitude and youth creativity support. APQ - Regional Youth Programme
Financial issues: Total funds available: euro 32 million of euros. Financing sources: 1.Italian National Youth Fund; 2.Sicilian Regional Public Departments; 3.Private co-financing. APQ - Regional Youth Programme
At regional level: AXIS – Transnational and interregional interventions Regional Operation Programme (ESF)
Specific objective: to promote the creation and development of actions and network at interregional and transnational level, with particular attention to the exchange of best practices. Operational objective: development of joint objectives and intervention models, sharing of best practices aimed at improving the level of inclusion in the labour market and in the educational and vocational training systems. APQ - Regional Youth Programme