Arlington Reads
Did you know... 20% of Tarrant County’s adults cannot read well enough to understand a prescription label, fill out a job application or read a simple story to their children? An additional 27.8% lack the reading and basic education skill to fill more than just a minimum wage job?
Studies have shown... 65% of the children of illiterate adults become illiterate adults themselves!
Why should we care? Illiterate Community Lower paid workers Higher welfare cost Increase in high school dropouts Higher crime Business relocation to other communities
Goals of Arlington Reads Build mutually beneficial relationships between literacy partners in Arlington. Increase the quantity and improve the quality of literacy programs serving Arlington adults, youth, and families. Raise public awareness of literacy issues in Arlington and connect with our regional and state partners to enhance our resources.
Goal 1: Build mutually beneficial relationships between literacy partners in Arlington. Community Asset Inventory List of ESL, basic literacy and GED providers in Arlington Arlington Family Literacy Network Members are organizations that provide adult literacy programs in Arlington. Members attend monthly meetings. Social Network NING. Collaboration and Support Between Programs Multiple collaborations between literacy providers. YMCA and Arlington Reads (books) Arlington ISD and Arlington Reads (family literacy programs) Life Through Literacy and Arlington Reads (program curriculum) UTA and Arlington Reads (volunteers)
Goal 2: Increase the quantity and improve the quality of literacy programs serving Arlington adults, youth, and families. Referrals to other programs Referral learners to other programs. ESL & Basic Literacy Program** One-one-one tutoring program Sed de Saber Youth Literacy Programs One-on-one tutoring for first, second, and third grade students Family Literacy Programs Family Involvement Programs Lee y Seras, Parents as Partners, Family Sign Language Support to Literacy Providers Presentations to partner programs about library resources and programs offered by Arlington Reads
Basic ESL & Basic Literacy Tutoring Program for Adult Learners Volunteer-based program!! Flexible schedule Two hours per week Six month commitment No experience necessary Training and materials provided Interested volunteers must contact the literacy coordinator at and submit a background check with he city. Once approved, all volunteers must complete a tutor training sessions and then they will be matched with a student. Calling all volunteers!
Tutoring Program for 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd Grade Children Volunteer-based program!! One-on-one tutoring One day per week for one hour No experience necessary Training and materials provided Interested volunteers must contact the literacy coordinator at and submit a background check with he city. Once approved, all volunteers must complete a tutor training sessions and then they will be matched with a student. Calling all volunteers!
Family Literacy Program Lee y Seras (Scholastic, NCLR & Verizon) Six-session workshop series designed to empower families to support children’s literacy development with a special focus on reading. Session 1: A Child’s First and Most Important Teacher and Role Model Session 2: Culture, Traditions, Everyday Experiences Session 3: Telling Our Stories Session 4: Learning is Fun! Session 5: Family and Community Strengths Session6: Celebrate Success!
Family Literacy Program Parents as Partners (NCLR) Six-session workshop series focused on increasing their knowledge of the school system and strengthening their ability to advocate for quality education that will result in school readiness, high school graduation, and college success. Session 1: Home and School Collaboration Session 2: The Home, Motivation, and Self-Esteem Session 3: Communication and Discipline Session 4: Academic Standards Session 5: How the School System Functions Session6: The Road to University
Goal 3: Raise public awareness of literacy issues in Arlington and connect with our regional and state partners to enhance our resources. Literacy provider social network Sponsor regional trainings/present at regional conferences Partner with regional literacy providers GED Direct (Distant learning)
A little time for Q & A