1 Mainstreaming NSDS into Development Plans: Uganda Case BEN PAUL MUNGYEREZA DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, STATISTICAL PRODUCTION & DEVPT UGANDA BUREAU OF STATISTICS Workshop on Organization and Management of Statistical Systems Dakar, Senegal – September 28 – October 01, 2010
2 Presentation Outline Background Development Planning in Uganda The National Development Plan / /15 Why NSDS in Development Planning Why the Statistics Question Statistics Priorities Statistics Strategies for Implementation Conclusion
3 A View of Kampala City
4 Background Uganda’s National Statistical System is largely decentralized – many data producing units without a central control authority Whereas statistics at the NSO is reasonably well developed, some sectoral statistics are still under- developed. Uganda started developing her NSDS in 2005 under the context of the MAPS (2004) – and was launched in October 2006 by H.E The President of the Republic of Uganda Implementation involves 16 Agencies, NSO inclusive.
5 THE UGANDA VERSION NSDSPNSD P LAN for N ATIONAL S TATISTICAL D EVELOPMENT Strategic Plan for Strengthening Statistical Capacity Across the NSS
6 Development Planning in Uganda A mixture of various approaches – mixed economy approach from During the 1970s – adhoc economic war plan Structural Adjustment Programmes for the early 1980s Economic Recovery Programme in 1987 Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) – National Development Plan (NDP) / /15 (The NDP is housed in the National Planning Authority)
7 The National Development Plan (NDP) 2010/ /15 “… Designed to be the primary Government National Strategic Plan, the anchor for Government Fiscal Strategy and lower level or sectoral plans.” National Development Plan, Pg. 4 This was developed in a consultative manner with a number of stakeholders The National Statistics Office was a core member of the National Drafting Committee for the NDP
8 Process: Marketing Statistics for the NDP Initially Statistics was to be under the M&E section Sensitization of the Board of Directors of the National Planning Authority – Home of the NDP. This led to recognition of Statistics as an enabling factor. All sectors required statistics for their situation analysis – hence statistics became critical in the process of developing the Plan itself
9 NDP Vision & Theme Vision: A Transformed Ugandan Society from a Peasant to Modern and Prosperous Country Within 30 Years Theme: Growth, Employment and Socio-Economic Transformation for Prosperity
10 NDP content Sectoral Intervention Primary growth sectors – Agriculture; Forestry; Mining; Oil and Gas; etc Complementary Sectors – Science and Technology; Transport; Urban Development; Trade; etc Social Sectors – Education; Health; Water; Population; etc Enabling Sectors – STATISTICS; Justice, Law and Order; Environment; Public Sector Management; Defence and Security; Disaster management; Integration; etc
11 Why NSDS in Development Planning for Uganda Emphasis of Planning with Facts Output-based budgeting that requires statistical indicators Match statistical production to planning cycle of the economy Strengthen Institutional Collaboration between the NSO and thePlanning Authority Consensus on Parameters for NDP Monitoring and Evaluation
12 Why Statistics in the NDP Statistics is used by government for policy development, planning, administration, monitoring and building an accurate picture of what is happening at all administrative levels. Statistics is used by the private actors for decision making incl. Assessment of business opportunities and risks Strategy analysis Planning, implementation and M&E Governance and accountability Media analysis, Etc
13 Why Statistics in the NDP cont’d.. Upstream role of Statistics issue recognition and definition forecasting the future trends Downstream role of Statistics monitoring progress during plan implementation evaluating policy/programme impact and outcomes
14 Why address the Statistics Question Low Levels of statistical literacy limited use of statistics for policy and decision making Insufficient data user-producer dialogue Inadequate policy-relevant statistical production Insufficient producer-producer dialogue Inconsistent data across Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) Duplication of effort Inadequate statistical capacity in MDAs and Local Governments
15 Why address the Statistics Question Inadequate donor coordination –Adhoc and uncoordinated donor support for statistical production Weak Organizational and Instit. Devpt –Non-existent or weak statistical units Insufficient investment in Statistics –Inadequate statistical production in MDAs
16 Statistics Priorities for the NDP strengthening the production of quality statistics based on international best practices and guidelines; improving coordination and promoting synergy among and between data producers and users; strengthening national capacity to produce, analyse and use reliable statistics through an integrated National Statistical System ensuring the long term sustainability of the National Statistical System by securing funding for priority data production, analysis and dissemination.
17 Strategies for Implementation under Statistics Extensive and consistent sensitization of policy makers Organizational and Institutional Development Revision of the Statistics Act to cover the entire National Statistical System Re-establishment of a common cadre Human Resource Development & Management Consistent build up of capacity in data analysis at the centre and in local governments
18 Strategies for Implementation under Statistics Infrastructure Development Technical and statistical – sampling frames, methodologies, etc IT – databases, networks, websites, etc Management – management systems, financial systems, etc Data Development Statistical audits Standards and classifications Certification Wide Data Dissemination Empowerment of potential users to access and effectively utilize statistics Establishment of a National Statistical databank.
19 Conclusion Statistics is now recognized in Uganda as an enabling factor for development planning, implementation and M&E Anchoring the NSDS in Development planning makes the case for Statistics. NSDSs should not be developed in isolation Sequencing matters – developing NSDS prior to the NDP development in Uganda created a good foundation