W E ARE LEARNING TODAY.... What content we will cover in AH Modern Studies How AH Modern Studies is assessed What the dissertation consists of
W HAT IS OUR COURSE GOING TO COVER ? There are THREE Study Themes- Study Theme 1: Comparative Politics and Research Methods or Study Theme 2: Law and Order and Research Methods or Study Theme 3: The European Union and Research Methods We will be covering Study Theme 2: Law and Order
S TUDY T HEME 2: L AW AND O RDER FOUR CONTEXTS; Context A: Rights and Responsibilities in relation to Law and Order in the UK Context B: The Causes and Effects of Crime in the UK Context C: Responses to Crime in the UK Context D: Penal Systems in the UK We will study Contexts B and D
C ONTEXT B: T HE C AUSES AND E FFECTS OF C RIME IN THE UK Split into THREE distinct areas of knowledge; The causes of crime with reference to the relative merits of sociological, psychological and physiological theories. The relationship between crime and various social and economic factors. The social and economic effects of crime on individuals, communities, businesses and public services.
C ONTEXT D: P ENAL S YSTEMS IN THE UK Split into THREE distinct areas of knowledge; The aims, purposes and effectiveness of the UK penal systems. The alternatives to imprisonment. Responses of the main political parties to the penal systems in the UK.
R ESEARCH M ETHODS The research methods which are studied are: ♦ methods of observation ♦ in-depth interviewing methods ♦ surveys and questionnaires ♦ official statistics; methods of presentation and analysis
NAB S ONE NAB – will be done as part of the prelim Additional “NABs” to be set throughout the year to assess how well you are coping
T HE F INAL E XAM ONE paper, worth 90 marks, lasting 3 hours Paper is split into TWO sections, A and B Section A: TWO essay questions, ONE from each context, each worth 30 marks Section B: TWO research methods questions worth 15 marks each
D ISSERTATION Worth a total of 45 marks A maximum of 5,000 words Title to be chosen by you – pick from an approved list Subject of dissertation to be taken from Study Themes Title will be a hypothesis which can be proved or disproved
Y OU WILL NEED 3 Ring binders – we will supply these A4 paper, lined and with a margin – please supply! To keep your eyes open for news stories relating to crime and the penal system To be ORGANISED and SELF-DISCIPLINED