Not all of the A of C were ineffective Settlement of the “western lands” was decided
The United States in 1787
State Claims to Western Lands
O of 1784: ◦ Western land that was owned by states was ceded to the federal gov’t ◦ Divided into ten self-governing districts Could petition for statehood Sought to avoid creating second class citizens O of 1785: ◦ Created a system of surveying and selling land
O of 1785 divided up land into a grid ◦ Jefferson’s plan Influenced by the Enlightenment ideas of mathematical forms of land distribution Became the norm for land distribution in land west of the Appalachians
Land Ordinance Plot #16 was set aside for public education Public Land sold for $1.00 to $2.00 an acre = pay debt Northwest Territory
O of 1785 let land be sold and that went sideways ◦ Sold only to a few speculators Too much land power in the hands of the few Abandoned the earlier ten districts and created a single Northwest Territory ◦ Lands north of the Ohio
Could be split into between three and five territories ◦ 60,000 residents= new state! New rules ◦ You will be working with these today! Surprise! Too much expansion and some uncontrolled expansion led to conflicting land claims in that region (Way to go Congress!!)
Ohio 1 ST STEP WHEN PEOPLE FIRST SETTLE IN THE AREA: Congress appoints a governor and three judges to govern the territory 2 nd STEP 5,000 FREE ADULT MALES: Landowners elect a congress to make laws and raise taxes with approval of governor. 1 representative is elected to the US Congress who can debate but not vote. 3 rd STEP 60,000 SETTLERS: Becomes a state, with its own government and constitution. New states admitted with same rights as the original states. No more than 5 states can carved out of this area.
Confederation divided up, and gave away, land that was already claimed by N.A. tribes! Tried to persuade N.A. tribes to sign treaties ceding those western lands ◦ Didn’t work Fighting broke out ◦ 1790 & 1791 the Miami tribe beat US forces in two major battles on the Ohio frontier
Battle of Fallen Timbers ◦ Gen. Anthony Wayne ◦ 4,000 troops US defeated the Miami Miami signed the Treaty of Greenville ◦ Ceded major lands to the US in exchange for a formal acknowledgement of their claim to the territory Affirmed that N.A. lands could only be ceded by the tribes themselves Yea, right!