Research Problem A major recommendation from national studies (i.e., Vision and Change, AAAS/NSF; ASM Undergraduate Curriculum Guidelines) on higher education in science is to teach core concepts and to employ active learning. There are a wide variety of active learning methods. Instructors have little evidence to guide them on which method to select for specific concepts. Todd Primm
Research Question Research Question: Do different active learning methods have different efficacies with specific concepts for promoting student learning? If so, are students more favorable towards the method that is more effective? Research Context: BIOL 3470, general microbiology course of 40 students required for all Biology majors. SHSU is a regional public comprehensive university. My question is interesting because: The current body of literature strongly supports efficacy of active learning in general; this study extends that by comparison of different methods.
Research Methodology CONCEPTCATEGORYASM CURRMETHODS to TESTCOURSE TIMING Cell wall type structuresI - structureCSFconcept map vs drawingFirst quarter DNA replicationIIA – sequential processIFGstrip sequence vs TPSSecond quarter Regulation of transcriptionIIAIFGstrip sequence vs concept mapSecond quarter HTG mechanismsIIB – discontinuous process EVOTPS vs concept mapThird quarter GlycolysisIIAMPstrip sequence vs animation quizSecond quarter Drug resis mechanismsIIBEVOconcept map vs animation quizThird quarter Germ theory/Koch’s postulatesIII – abstract conceptMSTPS vs drawingFirst quarter ASM Curriculum Guidelines enduring concepts: CSF – cell structure & function, IFG – information flow & genetics, EVO – evolution, MP – metabolic pathways, MS – microbial systems Active learning method hypothesized to best fit concept in red
Alignment of Research Question and MethodologySummative embedded exam questions, isomorphic w/ diagnostic ? if possible attitude surveys to measure student preferences Formative rubric-guided activity grading on 10 pt scale, 7% of course grade Diagnostic 3 multiple choice questions based in a scenario for each concept, one w/ a 2 nd tier short explanation Compare learning gains, Mann-Whitney