3ºESO Tourism Project Criteria A Knowledge and Understanding: Produce information about tourism in a country of your choice (written and statistics Information) Criteria B Investigation: Create a detailed itinerary for a tourist visit to that country. Create a budget for that visit. Critieria C Critical Thinking: Explain the benefits and problems tourism has created in that country Criteria D Communication: Present this information in an interesting way: Short Documentary + leaflet Play + leaflet PowerPoint + leaflet Poster + leaflet
WORD DOCUMENT 1.Introduction. Explain the main features of your country (geographical location, type of state, demographic rates..). Between words 2.Statistics about international tourism. Create some graphs indicating total number of tourists per year in the last decade, international tourist expenditure, international tourist receipts…) (or search on your country tourist office) 3.Do a 7 days planning and a budget for a holydays. Use an excel file to complete the budget. 4.Bibliography. Delivery time: 03th April 2014
Criterion A Tourism data Create some graphs in order to answer the following questions: how many tourists go to the country? How has this changed over time? How much money do tourists spend in the country? What countries have tourists come from? Where do tourists go in the country and what do they do?
Criterion B: Tourist Holidays Itinerary for one of the following groups: Retired couple Family with young children Young Couple Your itinerary must include: A detailed plan for each day A budget that uses realistic prices for the events
Criterion C: Assessment of The Benefits and Problems brought by tourism Explain the benefits and problems created by tourism in your chosen country using the following categories: – Social – Economic – Environmental Remember: The highest grades will be for information that is specific to the country you are studying
Criterion D: Communication You need to print your leaflet and also you can choose the media you want to present your project in… BUT, remember: The information must be given in a clear way using good English It must be structured logically so it is easy to understand You must include a bibliography