CASA Collider Review Retreat Closing Remarks Yuhong Zhang February 24, 2010
A Very Successful Retreat A “home work” long overdue A “home work” long overdue Very informative, brought us to a higher level of understanding of colliders Very informative, brought us to a higher level of understanding of colliders Thanks all presenters for their great efforts for researching and preparing talks Thanks all presenters for their great efforts for researching and preparing talks We may do more “retreat” in the future, likely on special topics, such as IR design, chromaticity correction or electron cooling, etc. We may do more “retreat” in the future, likely on special topics, such as IR design, chromaticity correction or electron cooling, etc.
Today’s Homework (due Next Friday) What parts have been missing/neglected or grossly incorrect in the present ELIC/MEIC design? What parts have been missing/neglected or grossly incorrect in the present ELIC/MEIC design? What part of the present ELIC/MEIC design needs a complete rework? What part of the present ELIC/MEIC design needs a complete rework? What subjects/topics needs more study? What subjects/topics needs more study?
Roadmap To A Successful ELIC Design Achievements or Goals Last 10+ years Developed a good EIC concept, made significant progresses on many key R&D issues and some part of machine design Early this month Reviewed/scaled back main machine parameters (This is our design “contract”) Today A good review of other colliders Starting of process to build up a reference “database” Next week (3/1 to 3/5) Finish the “home work”: identify the missing/neglected pieces in ELIC design identify the missing/neglected pieces in ELIC design identify components in the present design that needs change identify components in the present design that needs change Design Week (3/7 to 3/12) Complete a “skeleton” design, with parameters for all components Draft a design manual (white paper), as a guide for the next level design Delegate/assign tasks, resources and set deliverable date Next 2.5 months (By June 1) Complete next level design, including all analytical calculations, lattices and component design and parameters An internal machine design review and an internal cost review Next 3 months (By Sept. 1) Complete 1st round simulations, tracking, beam dynamics, beam-beam One-day ELIC machine design workshop Preparing for the next EIC AC meeting After EIC AC meeting Study feedback from the AC meeting and make a plan for the next stage
Let US Working Together A up-to-date design book (parameters, schemes, drawings, etc) A up-to-date design book (parameters, schemes, drawings, etc) (likely in our CASA internal web site) A design repository to archive design works accessible to all members A design repository to archive design works accessible to all members A better project coordination A better project coordination Work breakdownWork breakdown Regular progress reportRegular progress report More “problem solving” meetingsMore “problem solving” meetings
Thanks to all