ATLAS FP TRACKER PLANS Steve Watts School of Physics and Astronomy University of Manchester Well defined design in the FP420 Design Report Based on the FE-I3 ATLAS Pixel Readout chip. Design suitable for 220 but needs roughly double the number of sensors. Layout is more difficult and power dissipation is higher. Radiation level close to beam is very high. Implications for the readout chip. Sensor is good to charged hadrons cm MRad Consequence – New Design for the Tracker…… R&D is linked to 3D sensor developments for IBL and SLHC
220 m 420 m
FE-I3 Lifetime issue charged particles per cm 2 or ~30 Mrad SOLUTION A 3D sensor safe to charged hadrons per cm 2 Dose highest in very narrow vertical band. Move sensors up and down by 1-2 mm to even out the dose Trick used with CCDs in NA32. Additional specification for mechanical design. Would give a factor 3.
New FE-I4 –Pixel size = 250 x 50 µm 2 –Pixels = 80 x 336 –Technology = 0.13µm –Power = 0.5 W/cm 2 FE-I4 Design Status –Contribution from 5 laboratories. –Main blocks MPW submitted in Spring –Full FE-I4 Review: 2/3/3009 –Submission in Summer 2009 –Expect IBL modules late mm 8mmactive 2.8mm FE-I3 74% 20.2mm active 16.8mm ~2mm ~200 μ m FE-I4 ~89% Chartered reticule (24 x 32) IBM reticule ~19 mm FE-I3 - lifetime issue Solution B Use FE-I4. Factor 5 more radiation tolerant than FE-I3. For IBL project Plus - better matched to track hit distribution at Common module design for 220 and x Fe-I4 each plane
NOTE: IMPROVED Y-Measurement. Consequence for physics ??? NOTE2: Assumes hits distribution stable with time…..
FE-I3 versus FE-I4 FE-I3 run had very poor yield. There will be another run in FE-I4 First run will produce chips in summer/Autumn 2010 ASIC designs always take more than one iteration. FE-I4 3D sensor is larger and thus yields will be lower. Conclusion FE-I4 baseline. There will be 3D/FE-I4 detectors developed for IBL. Mechanics/electronics engineers to look at FE-I4 design. FE-I4 - common 220/420 mechanics design