Linkages: CalWORKs and Child Welfare Collaboration To Improve Outcomes Child Welfare Conference 2008 Monterey, California.


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Presentation transcript:

Linkages: CalWORKs and Child Welfare Collaboration To Improve Outcomes Child Welfare Conference 2008 Monterey, California

Presenters Danna Fabella, CFPIC, Linkages Project Director Calaveras: Dave Godzina, Robin Bunting, and Mikey Habberstad Del Norte: Susan Wilson, Cathi Strait, and Kathy Murray Stanislaus: Jennifer Valencia, and Bergen Filgas 2

History of the Project Genesis with Private Foundation – Learned of work in another state that provided cross-systems services Engaged Public Sector at State and Local Level Funded Trip to See and Learn About Other State’s Program Facilitated Development of Shared Vision for Serving Families in California 3

History cont. Vision Created in 1998, 1999 Work began in 2000 Planning Phase Three Stages of Implementation – Pilot Phase 2003 – Second Implementation Phase 2005 – Current Implementation Phase Steady Expansion to Include 40 of California’s 58 Counties, Representing over ¾ of state’s population 4

5 Poverty is a risk factor for child abuse and neglect: Families with annual incomes below $15,000, compared to families with annual incomes above $30,000, are over 22 times more likely to experience some form of maltreatment. (US Dept HHS) Foundation of Vision

6 Shared Vision  Child Welfare Services can serve as an anti-poverty program in helping families to achieve Self-Sufficiency  Temporary Assistance to Needy Families can serve as a child abuse prevention program by providing families the resources they need to promote safety and well-being for their children

Pioneer Counties AlamedaStanislaus Del NorteTehama MendocinoYolo Merced Orange San Francisco San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Sonoma 7

Phase II Counties: CalaverasSacramento Contra CostaSiskiyou FresnoSutter HumboldtTrinity KernVentura Los Angeles Madera Marin Napa 8

9 Phase III Counties El Dorado Imperial Nevada San Bernardino San Benito Santa Clara Sierra Tulare

Who’s Being Served by Linkages? Child Welfare Families CalWORKs Families Mutual Families Community Based Family Services Information, Referral & Screening Risk Assessment & Prevention Ongoing Coordinated Services* Linkages Focus: * Assessment, Case Planning, Case Management, Direct/ Contracted Services 10

Target Populations & Key Strategies Number of Counties (Total Counties Reporting = 29) See Snapshot Handout 11

Other Innovative Populations & Strategies  Mutual homeless cases  Teen parents  Drug felons/drug court  FR aftercare  Relative caregivers  Truancy Court response See Snapshot Handout coordination 12

Most Common Outcomes Number of Counties (Total Counties Reporting = 29) 13

How Linkages Matters  CalWORKs can provide services to help prevent families from entering CWS.  Approaching families as a team provides stronger intervention to help families with complex needs.  Coordinating services for mutual families can increase safety & improve economic self-sufficiency.  Joint outreach to sanctioned families involved with child welfare removes barriers to participation.  CalWORKs families working to reunify can receive non-cash services to promote returning home safely and quickly. 14

How Linkages Matters  Family Maintenance mutual clients can access additional supports (e.g., cash assistance, employment services, MH, DV, SA, Medi-Cal or diversion services).  CalWORKs can provide post-reunification services, including child care & other safety plan services to reduce likelihood of recurrence.  Transition-age youth who are parents can routinely be assessed for and linked to CalWORKs supportive services to ensure economic self-sufficiency. 15

For More Information    Website: 16

Questions? 17