Computers By: Elizabeth Wilson
Inventor of the computer How her life was Marina Neumann invented the computer around the 1800s. Marina Neumann was not recognized for what she did because she was a woman.
Why is the computer important Because it helps people research, communicate,find in information, projects, and storing information.
Where can you find a computer Any where electronics are sold
What kind of shapes and colors dose it come in Over 2,000
What are some negative and positive things about the computer Negative: viruses, spam and hackers Positive: games, commutation websites (ex. facebook, twitter), upgrades.
What are the companies that make computers Dell: Round Rock,TX Apple: Carrion,CA HP:3000 Hanover Street Gateway: Irvine,CA Acer: Ahrensburg, Germany. Taipei Hsian, Taiwan.
Is there a website for computers yes, websites that sell computers
Can any body use a computer yes anybody can use a computer
How much dose a computer cost Max:3,000 Min.:200
How many computers are made in years,months, and days. Day:303,000,000 Month:939,000,000 Year:1,300,000,000,000
Did You Know Charles Babbage did not invent the computer because he was born Dec and died in Sept
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