The Nationalist Party: Guomindang国民党 The return of Sun Yat-sen Soviet advisors: Mikhail Borodin “democratic centralism” and party organization Sun’s Ideology revisited: the Three Principles of the People Factions: rightist, leftist, center/military
Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) 蒋介石(1888-1975) A military man Underworld connections in Shanghai Heads the Whampoa military academy in 1924 A centrist: but distrustful of the left, of Soviets, and of Chinese communists Heads the National Revolutionary Army of the Nationalist Party
Chiang Kai-shek in power Skillful negotiator, can play warlord politics quite well Close links with financial base in Shanghai= he has $$ “Blue Shirts”: Fascist group with sworn loyalty to Chiang
The National Revolution: Mass Movements Social component of the revolution, led by Chinese Communist Party and leftist Nationalist Party members Rural: Farmers Movement Training Institute, Farm Associations Rent reduction campaigns, increasing violence against landlords and rural elites Cities: massive labor strikes Emphasis on class struggle
Fallout and Effects of the National Revolution Removes or Weakens warlords, reunifies China under the Nationalist Party-state End of the Alliance with Chinese Communists, abandonment of many social goals of revolution Bloody suppression, particularly in Shanghai, Nanjing, Canton Death or banishment of many talented revolutionaries Start of the “Nanjing Decade” of Nationalist rule from 1928-1937
Accomplishments Economics: beginnings of a modern industrial sector, mining, manufacturing, electricity production Infrastructure development: highways and railroads Foreign relations: removal of tariffs Experiments in Local government
Failures and Shortcomings Authoritarian rule: no more mass movements Military domination of government No program for rural China Ineffective administration Poor tax system Social costs: (more to come next week)