Working with Outcomes- Reflections and Observations
Basis for Presentation SLC experience –Outcomes training with adults and older people staff –Work with a children and families team Glasgow Caledonian University –Teaching on MSc in Social Work
South Lanarkshire SWIA initial scrutiny level assessment (ISLA) – low risk, but… –Need to improve recording of outcomes Personalisation agenda –Supporting your independence (SYI) –Support planning Financial pressures
South Lanarkshire
SLC Approach Move towards an outcome- focussed approach Recognition of the need for a culture shift from “doing to” to “doing with” Identified need to develop outcomes training Co-operation with IRISS
What do we mean by outcomes? Quality of life –e.g. Feeling safe Process –e.g. Being treated with respect Change –e.g. Reduced symptoms
Four Conversations Relationship –aimed at creating or developing the relationship Possibility –a creative conversation Opportunity –a conversation about planning Action –where you agree what to do.
South Lanarkshire Experience Importance of language Helps to unleash creativity Can be empowering for staff Working with outcomes can take longer (at least initially)
South Lanarkshire Experience “One off” training unlikely to have impact Staff need time and support to make and embed change Need for training as a unit/ team Importance of follow-up
What else is needed? Leadership Moving away from a focus on deficits Change in recording practices A different approach to supervision
Leading for Outcomes Provides a context and structure Flexible delivery Has been an important support
12 " Which road should I take?“ Alice asked the cat. Where do you want to get to?" the cat asked helpfully. "I don't know," admitted Alice. "Then," advised the cat, "any road will take you there.” (Lewis Carroll- Alice in Wonderland) In conclusion…