China Paper By Ryan Aizer
Paper Paper has been around since the first century! There are so many cool things in China but there are 3 things that are really important. They are paper invented, making paper, and what paper is used for. You can learn about them.
Paper Invented Paper was invented around the first century in China. Paper was invented in China. When paper was invented it was way different then it is today because paper was thick in the first century in China. When China invented paper it was one of the greatest inventions China has ever made and it still is. Now Chinese paper is thin. Chinese paper is different then the way it was around the first century. School wouldn’t be the same without paper. Paper is one of the best inventions China has ever made. Writing was invented before paper has been invented. Asia was the first country who invented paper. Paper has been around so much almost the entire world is using paper.
Making Paper This is what you need to make paper, you need to have mulberry bark, a special type of cloth, and mix it all together, let it dry in the sun and then it turns into paper. The rag is more expensive than the paper its self. There is a special type of paper called bamboo paper. Did you know when China invented paper it was thick? Now Chinese paper is almost see through! Paper always needs to dry in the sun or else it will become wrinkled.
What Paper Is Used For Most things paper is used for arewriting, printing, books, napkins,kitchen stuff, and many other things.Paper has been around beforeelectricity. Paper has been made forso many uses. Part of the uses wherenot even meant to be, China justcame up with them as the use ofpaper spread. Paper has been aroundbefore computers have been around.
Paper Paper has been around for so longnobody really knows the exactmeasurement of time. Paper isreally cool. That ’ s why you need paper.