250,000 sold every year million sold
Jerome David Salinger Born Died Second child Youngest child
“Sonny” Intelligent Not a good student Flunked out of McBurney School in NYC Sent to Valley Forge Military Academy in Wayne PA
One year at NY University
After graduation, he was sent to Europe to learn another language and study the import business.
Returned to NY; took night classes at Columbia University
Professor Whit Burnett Teacher Editor of Story magazine Encouraged Salinger to publish Published in Story magazine
Drafted into Army Sergeant Landed at Utah Beach, 1st wave Fought Battle of the Bulge
Hospitalized for “Nervous breakdown” Met and married Sylvia, a German, the marriage lasted 8 months
Continued to write chapters for a novel whose protagonist was Holden Caulfield Finished novel 1950
Catcher published July 16,1951 New Yorker “unusually brilliant,” “funny,” “meaningful” Some critics found it immoral Stayed on best seller list for 7 months
1953 Moved to a secluded 90 acre lot in Cornish, New Hampshire Cut himself off from the public Limited writing output
1955 Married Claire Douglas Married her a couple of months before her high school graduation Had 2 children: Margaret 1955 Matt1960
“Catcher in the Rye” Reading Checks Let’s get serious about reading! And really read…READING CHECKS Reading the Book = More Powerful Student (and less work) I read the book, so I was successful on my reading quiz. I did not read the entire reading assignment, so I was not as successful on my reading quiz. I can earn back some credit by completing TWO annotations. I did not read my reading assignment. I will explain why I did not read and what I plan to do earn back some credit on this quiz. I will earn back some credit by completing the assigned chapter’s Study guide questions. 7/7 5/7 2/7
Chapter 1 AUDIO gEhttps:// gE
Catcher Reading Check CH 1-4: Class 1 Pretend you are Stradlater. Describe how you view yourself. Describe how you view Ackley and Holden. Describe the girl you are going on a date with and how you feel about her. Describe why Holden is acting weird. * USE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE
Catcher Reading Check CH 1-4: Class 2 Pretend you are Ackley, describe yourself. Describe how you view Holden. Describe how you feel about Stradlater. Describe what you do on a typical evening in on the weekends. *USE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE
Catcher Reading Check CH 8-12: Class 1 Pretend you are Mrs. Marrow. Describe how you view Holden when you meet him. Do you believe everything he tells you? Does anything sound fishy? Describe how you view your son and how you feel about your son after speaking with Holden. * USE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE
Catcher Reading Check CH 8-12: Class 2 Pretend you are Bernice. Describe how you view Holden when you meet him. Do any of his actions throw you off? Does anything sound fishy? What do your friends say about him once you leave the bar? * USE AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE
Pretend you are Sally. Describe in detail, from your perspective, the date you had with Holden. When did he call you? Why was he acting strange? How is he acting lonely or isolated?
Pretend you are Phoebe. Describe in deatil your interaction with Holden when he gets home. How is he acting lonely or isolated? What does he bring you? How does he describe the museum/how does that connect to you?