Review the sentences (was /were + 动词现在分词 ) that we have studied in Unit 1 and Unit 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Review the sentences (was /were + 动词现在分词 ) that we have studied in Unit 1 and Unit 2.

Talk about the pictures.

1. Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 2. It was sitting in a tree and smiling at everyone. 3. They were having a tea party in the garden. 4. Where was it going?

过去进行时与一般过去时的区别: 一般过去时与过去进行时时间都是发生 在过去。一般过去时强调动作的发生或 状态的存在;而过去进行时强调动作正 在进行的延续性。 其结构 : was / were + 动词现在分词

试比较 : I got up at five the day before yesterday. 前天我是五点起床的。 He was painting the lab the whole day yesterday. 昨天他一整天都在粉刷实验室。

一般过去时的时间状语主要有: yesterday (morning, afternoon, evening), last night (week, month, year), ago, the day before yesterday, in 2003, just now, long long ago, one day 等。

过去进行时的时间状语有 : at this / that time yesterday, the whole evening, all day yesterday 等。 试比较 : He introduced Tom to us just now. 刚才他向我们介绍了汤姆。 She was doing some washing all day yesterday. 昨天她洗了一整天的衣服。

1. Suddenly, all the lights in my house were going off / went off. There was heavy rain outside. Underline the correct words.

2. — I called you up at seven o’clock last night, but nobody answered. — Really? I’m sorry, but I was teaching / taught a piano lesson at school. 3. — I was seeing / saw you and Tom in the library just now. — Oh, we showed / were showing several visitors around the school.

Write sentences about what you were doing. 1.At about seven o’clock last night, ______________________________. 2. This morning, on my way to school, ______________________________. 3. This time last year, _____________ ________________________. 4. Last Saturday, from about 1 pm to 4 pm, ____________________________. … I was having dinner … I met my friend Lingling … I was staying at my grandparents’ house … I was playing in the park

Work in groups of four. Play a chain game. A: At eight o’clock last night I was watching TV. How about you, B? B: At eight o’clock last night I was sleeping. How about you, C? C: At eight o’clock last night I was having dinner. How about you, D? D: …

Write down what each member of your group was doing at eight o’clock last night. Sun Li was watching TV at eight o’clock last night. 1. ______________________________ ______________. Ming Hui was playing the guitar at eight o’clock last night.

2. ______________________________ ____________________. 3. ______________________________ ____________________. 4. ______________________________ _______________. Liu Yin was doing her homework at night o’clock last night Mei Ling was eating an apple at night o’clock last night I was checking my at eight o’clock last night

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions in the box. have nothing to do once or twice run after think about what… for 1. The dog is ____________ the cat in the garden. running after

2. ______ is this machine ____? 3. He ________________ and was very bored. 4. She is _____________ how to finish the story. 5. I wrote to him ____________, but he did not answer. What for had nothing to do thinking about once or twice

Complete the passage with the words in the box. conversations hole pink pocket river strange Alice was sitting with her sister by the (1) _____ and her sister was reading a book. Her sister’s book had no pictures or (2) ____________ in it. river conversations

Then a white rabbit with (3) ________ eyes ran by. There was nothing (4) __________ about that. Then the rabbit took a watch out of its (5) _________ and looked at it. Alice followed the rabbit and fell down a (6) _______. Alice had a lot of adventures in Wonderland. pink strange pocket hole

Listen and complete the sentences. Paragraph 1 1. One day, I was with my friends. We were having a ______ in a field and I saw something strange. 2. There was a ______ cat with a pink nose sitting in a tree. 3. It looked like it was eating the ______ in the tree. picnic white leaves

Paragraph 2 4. While I was looking at it, the cat got out of the tree, jumped down to the _______, and walked across the _____ and sat next to us. 5. The cat got up and _____ close to me. 6. I ______ to it and it smiled at me. ground field came talked

Paragraph 3 7. I found some biscuits in my ______ and gave them to the cat. 8. Soon, it was eating biscuits and _______ at us. Read the conversation in Activity 8 and act it out. pocket smiling


In the past, not many people could read or write, so people listened to stories. Some stories were popular, and they changed every time someone told them. The stories passed from generation to generation. Finally, someone wrote them down.

For example, in China today people still love old stories like The Monkey King. Some people say that new stories written in books today are not as entertaining as the old ones. Do you agree?

Make notes about your story. Think about: when it happened what you were doing at the time what happened first what happened next what happened finally Writing a short story about your own experience

Friday evening Waiting at the bus stop A car stopped … Write the story. Use your notes to help you. It was a Friday evening. I was waiting at the bus stop… Work in pairs. Discuss and revise your story. Read your story to your classmates.

Possible answer: It was a Friday evening. I was waiting at the bus stop after school when a car stopped and the driver opened the door. It was my father. “ Quick, get in! ” he told me. I was very surprised, but I did as he said. At first, I was worried that something bad had happened. Then, I noticed my mother.

She was also in the car and on the back seat, there were some bags of clothes and some food. My father was driving out of the town. “ Where are we going? ” I asked. It was a warm evening and lots of people were walking along the road. It was the last day of term.

Did my parents have a big surprise for me? We were going somewhere special- but where? The next thing I can remember is falling asleep. When I woke up, I saw the sea. We were at the beach. My father was smiling. “ Here we are, ” he said. The summer holiday starts now!

达标学习 A. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Mr. Black ____________ (repair) his bike at this time yesterday . 2. What _____ you ______ (do) at ten o’clock yesterday morning ? 3. Kelly ___________ (play) computer games when a little cat came into her room . was repairing were doing was playing

4. The twins _____________ (learn) Chinese when their mother _____ (come) in . 5. My wallet _________ (drop) on the ground when I ___________ (walk) in the park . 6. While Masha ______________(cook) dinner, the bell ________ (ring) . were learning dropped was walking was cooking rang came

7. — ______ the Blacks _________ (watch) video tapes between 7:00 and 9:00 last night ? — Yes , they _______ . 8. It ____________ (rain) heavily when I _______ (get ) home yesterday evening . Was watching were was raining got

9. The man downstairs _____ just ________ (fall) asleep when there _______ (be) a loud knock at the door . 10. Doctor Li ______ (be) on duty last night. He ______ still _______ (work) in the hospital at 10 p.m. was falling was was was working

B. 中考链接 1.— What were you doing this time yesterday? — I __________ on the grass and drawing a picture. A. sit B. sat C. am sitting D. was sitting

2. — Where were you at 7:00 last night? — I __________ to my mom at home. A. write B. was writing C. wrote

3. — I called you at 4:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered? — Sorry, I _______ with my friends at that time. A. swim B. swam C. will swim D. was swimming

Write a short story about your own experience during this summer vocation.