Unit 9 -ough as in cough Open your Spelling Workbook get ready to learn some new vocabulary words.
doughdough thoughthough althoughalthough coughcough troughtrough roughrough toughtough enoughenough boughbough droughtdrought ploughplough thoughtthought noughtnought soughtsought boughtbought
dough You have to have a lot of dough to be able to afford a Porche. The secret to making quality bread is to kneed the dough only with the palm of your hand and not your fingers.
though/although Though I enjoy going to school every day, I was excited to have the day off Wednesday because of the snow. Although I enjoy going to school every day, I was excited to have the day off Wednesday because of the snow.
cough I knew she was getting sicker because her cough got worse.
trough The pigs gathered at the trough to enjoy our dinner leftovers.
rough My cat’s tongue was as rough as sandpaper when she licked my arm.
tough My brother’s teacher gave him a really tough math problem to solve and he spent 1 hour on it.
enough The store has enough candy for everybody, so there is no need to push your way in.
bough The white snow collected on the boughs of the trees, making the backyard seem like a gleaming winter wonderland.
drought The severe drought caused the land to dry and crack.
plough The old, wooden plough was replaced by a machine and now can only be seen in agriculture museums.
thought I wanted to show what my character thought about his situation in the story, so I included a thought bubble in my illustration.
nought The Maya civilization was very advanced in math; they were one of the first to have a symbol for the amount of nought, or zero.
sought He sought out his brother yesterday to speak with him, but he was hiding in the doghouse.
bought She always bought her groceries at Carrefour, until the new market opened to close to her house.