Alice’s Analysis Hannah Broadway, Chris Ingham, Evan Aldridge, Olivia Soto, Sydney Miller
Background ●Name: Alice Pleasance Liddell ●Age: 7 ●Family members: o Mom and dad 9 siblings; 2 older brothers, an older sister, and 6 younger siblings *Family history of mental illness: No mental illnesses that we are aware of. One of her older brothers died from Scarlet Fever at the age of 3. ●Profession: Student ●Major life events o Going to Wonderland o Meeting the Cheshire Cat, Mad Hatter, The March Hare, Mr. White Rabbit, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Queen of Hearts, Caterpillar, King of Hearts, Bill the Lizard, Card Soldiers, the Walrus and the Carpenter, Rose and the Flowers.
Diagnosis ● Schizophrenic ● Schizotypal
Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation. ●Alice is schizophrenic because she sees lots of things that are not actually there. She comes across the Cheshire Cat, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, the Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter, and the most common one is the White Rabbit. ● On top of all of the characters she sees, she has made up this entire world that she believes she can go to and visit. ●Nature and Nurture- we believe that it is more nurture than nurture because no one in her family has had any form of schizophrenia and we believe that when her brother passed away it could have triggered schizophrenia.
Schizotypal ●Schizotypal is a personality disorder ●Schizotypal- also aloof and indifferent like a schizoid; magical thinking; superstitious beliefs; uses unusual words and has peculiar ideas; a very mild form schizophrenia ●Alice is Schizotypal because of the whole world that she makes up in her head. She believes that there is actually the cheshire cat and all the other characters that she comes across, ●We believe that Alice is schizotypal due to nurture because being a middle child, she wouldn’t have gotten as much attention as her other siblings
Cause of Behavior ●When Alice was 4 years old, she and her brothers and sisters were playing, and she fell into her family’s storm cellar. She fell head first in the cellar and got a major head injury. Over the next few years, she has developed schizophrenia. She has the allusion that she is “falling down the hole chasing the rabbit.” The panic attacks came from her being scared of falling down the hole again and not being able to get home. The schizoid and schizotypal goes along with the schizophrenia, and since Alice is homeschooled, she doesn’t get a lot of social time with her friends. Because of this, she is a “loner” and doesn’t form relationships very well.
Citations bih=787&safe=active&ssui=on#q=alice%20in%20wonderland&safe=active&ssui=on&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=bBI5RV02OkQzJM%253A%3Bz5iI4sMYFU6QLM%3Bht disney-17.html%3B800%3B