Basics for „Crises Management Operations“ Theresan Military Academy Institute for Basic Officer Training 2014
Chapter VI PACIFIC SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice. Chapter VII … action by air, sea, or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security.
Peacemaking Peacemaking is normally completed by diplomats and politicians. Peace-enforcementMilitary operations (including possible combat actions) … to restore peace between belligerents… Peacekeeping operations are military operations conducted with the consent of the belligerent parties to maintain a negotiated truce… Peacekeeping
Crises Management Operations (CMO) Humanitarien and Rescue tasks Peacekeeping (according chapter VI UN) Peacemaking (= Peace-enforcement (UN))
Collective defence (Art 5) Crises Response Operations (CRO) (non-Art 5) Peace Support Operations (PSO) Natural, technological or humanitarian desaster operations Peacekeeping Peace-enforcement Conflict Prevention Peacemaking Peacebuilding Humanitarian Operations Crises Management
Peacemaking Diplomatic activities Peace-enforcementMilitary operation to enforce peace (Chapter VII) Monitoring (Chapter VI) Peacekeeping Conflict PreventionDiplomatic initiatives, inspections,… (Chapter VI) Peacebuilding Actions to support political, economic, social and military measures to guarantee peace Humantitarian Operations
Crises Management Operations (CMO) - Peace Keeping Op - Peacemaking Op - Humanitarian Op & Rescue tasks Crises Response Operations (CRO) - Peace Support Op (PSO) - Natural or Humanitarian Desaster Op Peacemaking Diplomatic avtivity = peace- enforcement (UN, NATO) Diplomatic activity mission mission (civ) operation (mil) operation Peacekeeping to maintain a ceasefire (chapter VII) monitoring (chapter VI)
CFSP CSDP Development policy Trade policy Topics of the EU Agriculture, fisheries and food Business Climate action Culture and education Economy and finance and tax Energy and natural resources External relations and foreign affaires Justice and citizens´ rights Regions and local development Science and technology Transport and travel … High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affaires Mrs. Frederica Mogherini
Art 42 TEU CSDP is part of CFSP Final aim: common defence Art 43 TEU joint disarmament operations humanitarian and rescue tasks Military advice and assistance tasks conflict prevention and peace-keeping tasks tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peace-making post-conflict stabilization
Art 42 TEU “…an obligation of aid and assistance by all means in their power. This shall not prejduce the specific caracter of the security and defence policy of certain member states Art 5 “…each of them will assist…as it deems necessary”