PPD Safety Update Some slides. Sorry I can’t be here to talk through them Rob Harper,
More than last time... Questions from last time Incident reporting and near misses Safety Codes Building wardens and safety tour membership Feedback from All Codes Audit Safety improvement plan
Questions from last time... How are we handling safety tours in MICE hall? – This area is toured by ISIS, but I will get an invitation to join future safety tours.
Incident Update One new incident reported since last time – Two ceiling tiles fell in 2.94 while Jelena was in there, luckily missing her. – There was concern that the tiles may contain asbestos but they don’t, so no action required on that. – Waiting for Estates to check the ceiling and make the office safe for use. Lengthy fire alarm on 17 th July – Due to issue in Vulcan that took some time to fix. – Please make sure that when the alarm rings, you leave the building quickly (see Dave’s from the 18 th ).
Safety Codes Codes currently being worked on include: – Lone working – PUWER (Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations) – Electricity – Pressure & vacuum systems Feedback is being solicited on all of these. If you would like to review work in progress please let me know.
Building wardens and safety tour membership We need more building wardens! – We have 2 on 2 nd floor and now none on 1 st floor. – SHE group recommends total of 8 per floor in R1. – We share responsibility with CLF, Finance, HR, etc – BUT we really need to have 3 per floor (and think about people to operate on ground floor). – I need “volunteers” ASAP, as SHE group will start hassling us very soon. Please offers up your sacrifices now... I’m about to lose a safety tour member – I will be needing a volunteer to help out with tours. – Just need ~1 day every 6 months. Access to private jet is negotiable.
Feedback from All-Codes Audit of PPD Safety Several of you were already given a debrief by Matt Dickson on the PPD Audit. It was acknowledged that PPD is generally a low- hazard department. Some good risk assessment and practice was noted. 12 recommendations, briefly summarized (my interpretation) on the following slides. We’ll be needing to provide responses to all of these points.
Audit Recommendations (1) Many risk assessments are too generic and need to be made more specific. Review of risk assessments should include staff undertaking the work. PPD has no safety committee, so have a more formal review of safety 2-3 times per year at senior staff meetings. Communication of the safety improvement plan needs to be improved. (See later.) The safety improvement plan needs to be less generic and include actions with target dates. (See later.)
Audit Recommendations (2) Ensure mandatory safety training is completed for all staff (eg. manual handling). Ensure DSE online training and assessments are completed by all. Anyone with direct reports to undertake IOSH “Managing Safely” course (or equivalent). SHE management responsibilities should be shared across managers in the department, not left to the department safety contact. (!)
Audit Recommendations (3) A member of the SHE group should attend on departmental safety tours. There needs to be a formal arrangement for compliance with the code on pressure and vacuum systems. Managers should review if work at height awareness training is required for the coming year.
PPD Safety Improvement Plan Each department is meant to create a “safety improvement plan” each year. I have been rather slow on this. I have something nearly ready and was hoping to talk you through it at this meeting. I will circulate a draft for comment. This is part of an ongoing process. Last year’s plan had no actions. This one has some. Next year we can build on this. As per the audit recommendations, we will need to ensure that this information is properly communicated to the department.