Galatians Doctrines The Gospel The Gospel Grace Grace Justification Justification Liberty Liberty Law Law Legalism Legalism Sanctification Sanctification Spirituality Spirituality Sowing & Reaping Sowing & Reaping
Ethnic Kingdom of Galatia c. 278 25 B.C.
Roman Province of Galatia 25 B.C. 137 A.D.
Year (AD)Event 30Jesus’ resurrection 33-35Paul’s conversion / sojourn in Damascus (Acts 9) 35Paul’s first post-conversion visit to Jerusalem 35-45Paul’s years in Cilicia, Syria and Antioch (Gal , Acts 9.30 / 11.25) 46Paul’s second post-conversion visit to Jerusalem (Acts 11.30) 47-48The First Journey (Acts 13-14) 48Letter to the Galatians 49The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15) 49-52The Second Journey (Acts 16-18) 50Letters to the Thessalonians 52Return visit to Jerusalem and Antioch 52-57The Third Journey (Acts 18-21) 54First Letter to the Corinthians 56Second Letter to the Corinthians 57Letter to the Romans 57-59Paul’s Judean arrest and trial (Acts 21-26) 59-60Voyage to Rome and shipwreck (Acts 27-28) 60-62House arrest in Rome and Early Prison Letters 62Hearing before the Emperor and acquittal 62-64Journey to Spain, Corinth, and Ephesus 65Paul’s re-arrest, Later Prison Letters, and execution in Rome
Galatians Summary Outline I. I. Ch 1-2: Defense of Message and Messenger II. II. Ch 3-4: Grace-Faith versus Law-Works III. III. Ch 5-6: New Life in the Spirit
Ch 1-2: Defense of Message and Messenger A. 1:1-5Salutation B. 1:6-9Exclusivity of the Gospel C. 1:10-2:21Defense of Apostleship