Lesson 1 review part I Divided Kingdom
Overview of Divided Kingdom I Our studies began in 1 Kings 12 and have taken us to 2 Kings 13 We have also studied from 2 Chronicles 10 to 24 Our study began when the Kingdom divided after Solomon’s reign Israel had gone into idolatry partly because of Solomon’s many wives
Kings we have looked at in our study Judah Israel Rehoboam Jeroboam Abijah or Abijam Asa Nadab Baasha Elah Zimri Omri Jehoshaphat Ahab Ahaziah Jehoram
Kings we have studied Judah Israel Ahaziah Jehu Athaliah Joash Jehoahaz Joash Amaziah There are more studies about these last 2 kings later
Brief look at each king Kings in Judah Rehoboam—led Judah into idolatry and as a result Egypt came against Judah and took many fortified cities 2 Chr 12:4 Abijah or Abijam—followed in the ways of his father and made war against Jeroboam 2Chr 13:2 Asa– was a good king and with God’s help defeated the Ethiopians in battle 2Cr14:12-14 He also took away sodomites 1 K 15:12
Brief look at each king Asa also goes to battle against Baasha 1K15:16 He used Ben-hadad instead of God in war 1K15: Jehoshaphat– Truly a good king and turns the people back to God 2 Chr 17:6-8 Became close friend with Ahab and sealed the relationship with his sons marriage to Ahab’s daughter Fought with Ahab against Ramoth-Gilead 1 K 22:29
Kings we have studied Moab, Ammon, men from Mt. Seir come against Judah but God destroyed the armies because Judah turned back to Him 2 Cr 20: 1 Jehoshaphat makes alliance with Ahaziah but ships destroyed by God 2 Cr 20:35-37 Jehoshaphat and Jehoram fight Moab and win because God helped (only because of Jehoshaphat) 2 K 3:14
Kings we have studied Jehoram—The king who married Ahab’s daughter Athaliah 2 Chr 21: 5-6 Encouraged Judah to worship idols and God sent the Philistines and Arabians against Judah and took all the wealth in the kings palace, his sons, and wives. 2 Cr 21:13-17 Ahaziah—Was wicked like his mother and grandfather 2 Chr 22: 2-3 Ahaziah and Jehoram or Joram fought together for Ramoth-Gilead 2K 8:26-28
Kings we have studied Athaliah– Took over the kingdom by killing all of her grandchildren (she thought) 2K 11:1 Joash or Jehoash– The youngest son of Ahaziah was missed by Athaliah and he began to reign at age 7 after being saved by Jehoiada the High Priest 2 K 11:2-3; 2 Cr 22:11-12 He was a good king and turned Judah back to God 2 Chr 24:14 He has the temple repaired after much destruction by Athaliah 2 Chr 24:12
Kings of Israel Jeroboam– Son of Nebat made 2 golden calves for worship 1 K 12:28 One in Dan and one in Bethel 1 K 12:29 Young prophet cries against the altar 1K13:2 Prophesied that the bones of prophets would be burned on the altar, which prophesied for the idols, during Josiah’s reign 1 K 13: 2; 2 K 23:16 Nadab—followed in the ways of Jeroboam his father 1 K 15:25-26
Kings we have studied Baasha– killed all of Jeroboam’s family and took over being king but not to purge out idolatry 1 K 15:29 Many faithful return to Judah 2 Cr 15:9 Baasha goes against Judah but had to pull back because Ben-hadad came against the northern border of Israel 1 K 15:19-21 Elah– Baasha’s son reigned but was killed by and official of his army (Zimri) 1K 16:6-10
Kings we have studied Zimri– only reigned 1 week and killed himself by burning down the palace on him 1K 16:15-18 Omri– continued in the ways of Jeroboam 1K 16:21-25 Not much said about Omri but secular history reveals things about him (Assyrian records refer to Israel as the house of Omri) Ahab– married one of the worst women in the Bible (Jezebel) 1 K 16:30-31 Baal worship in Israel begins 1 K 16: 32
Introduced to Elijah Many stories about Elijah the Tishbite Predicts a drought 1K 17:1 Challenge to Baal worship on Mt. Carmel 1K 18 Elijah goes to wilderness thinking he was the only one left but was told 7,000 more in Israel that had not bowed to Baal 1K 19:4 &18 Elisha would succeed Elijah 1K 19:19-21
King Ahab continued Samaria attacked by Syria while Ahab reigned 1K 20:1 & 20 They come the second time thinking their God was the god of the hills not the plains v Ahab wants Naboth’s vineyard and eventually gets it 1K21: 15 Ahab and Jehoshaphat fight against Ramoth- Gilead and Ahab disguises himself but killed by his chariot driver because of his wounds from an arrow shot into the air by enemy soldier 1K22:2- 3 & 34
Kings we have studied Ahaziah– reigned only a short time after his father died but long enough to make agreement about shipping with Jehoshaphat 1K22:48-49 Ships of Tarshish or long distance ships 1 K 10:22 He fell through an upper window and did not recover 2K 1:2-4
Nineveh Tarshish Long distant ships were larger than regular ships Ships would go to Ophir to buy and sell but God was not pleased and destroyed the ships at Eziongeber
More stories of Elijah and Elisha Elijah taken up into heaven 2K 2:11 Elisha purifies the water 2K 2:19-22 Young boys cried out againt Elisha 2K 2:23-25
Kings we have studied Jehoram– He and Jehoshaphat and Edom fight Moab 2K 3:9 Some other prophets enter the picture during the reign of some kings and Obadiah was the first book of prophets we looked at in our study
Obadiah Cp 1-9 Prophesy that Edom would be destroyed Cp Edom’s sins exposed Cp Judgment against Edom
Stories of Elisha The Shunammite woman 2K 4:8ff Stew purified 2K 4:38ff Feeding 100 men 2K 4:42ff Healing of Naaman 2K 5:1ff Ax-head floats 2K 6:5-7 Leads blind men to center of Samaria 2K 6:18-22 Land of Shunammite woman restored 2K 8:1-6
Kings we have studied Jehu– anointed and ordered to kills Ahabs family, Ahaziah, Jehoram, Jezebel 2K 9:6-8 He destroys Baal worshipers 2K 10:18-21 God promised his seed would reign for 4 generations 2K 10:30 We began to see the rise of the Assyrian empire Jehu bows to Shalmaneser III recorded on the Black Obelisk
Black Obelisk with Jehu bowing to Shalmaneser III
Prophet Joel We looked at the prophet Joel Devastation by locust cp 1 Call to repentance cp 1 Day of judgment coming cp 2 Second call to repent cp 2 Promise of blessings cp 2 Victory for the people of God cp 3
Kings we have studied Jehoahaz– left with a small army and smaller land area 2K 13:7 Joash– 2 nd of the 4 generations of Jehu 2K13:9 Hazael of Syria dies and Joash was able to recover much land that had been taken 2K 13:23-25
Elisha dies Elisha makes a deathbed prophecy 2K13:15 Arrow shot was arrow of the Lord v.17 More are shot in ground but not enough shot to completely destroy those who would come against Israel (Syrians) v.19
Amaziah avenges his fathers death 2Kings 14:5-6 When his kingdom was secure he executed the officials who murdered his father v.5 He hires Mercenaries from Israel to fight the Edomites 2Cr 25:6 & 14 Should have relied on the Lord v.9 I hope this review helps you understand the divided kingdom up to this point.
we will begin with Jonah next week