Systematic attempt to rid Europe of Jews HOLOCAUST Systematic attempt to rid Europe of Jews
Ideology All Jews were evil no matter their religion, occupation, or education. Defined a Jew as having at least one Jewish grandparent. Aryan Supremacy.
Nuremberg Laws Segregation of Jews from society. Anti-Semitism- Prejudice against Jews. Removal of Rights Took citizenship away from German Jews. Banned marriages between Jews and Germans. Prohibited a Jew from holding public office and voting. Changed their names to “Jewish” names Banned from practicing law, medicine, and operating businesses. Boycott of Jewish stores.
Kristallnacht Night of Broken Glass After the attack: the streets were littered with broken glass 90 Jews dead 100s injured 1,000s terrorized Police were forbidden to interfere. 7,500 business destroyed. 180 synagogues destroyed. Gestapo (secret police) Arrested 20,000 wealthy Jews
Life in the Concentration camps
The Final Solution/Genocide 15 Nazi leaders met to decide the Final Solution of the Jews. Other methods of Genocide proved to be too slow. New Plan Concentration Camps Healthy individuals could work as slaves until they dropped dead. Extermination Camps Many elderly, the infirm, and young children were sent here to be executed in massive gas chambers 1st camp established in 1933 to jail political opponents. Rooms built to hold 50 but 150 were living inside. Extermination Facilities were built inside camps to kill Jews efficiently.
Auschwitz Death Camp 100,000 people in 300 barracks. Gas chambers killed 2,000 at a time 12,000 a day. 1.6 million estimated to have died. 1.3 million were Jewish.
Liberation Liberation of camps by Allies Soviet Union liberated Auschwitz; January 1945 Baltic and Polish camps. United States liberated Buchenwald Camp in Germany April 1945 20,000 prisoners were liberated. Britain liberated Camps in Northern Germany.