Threshold Project: Work to End Homelessness
12/3/2015Threshold Project2 Presenters Janell Humbles, PhD., LSW – Resource Coordinator Homeless Initiative Program Jane Wiles, Employment Consultant Adult and child Center Kay Wiles, MEd. – Housing Manager Homeless Initiative Program
12/3/2015Threshold Project3 Who ’ s in the Audience Mental Health Providers Case Managers Employment Specialist Agency Supervisors/Managers Agency Directors
12/3/2015Threshold Project4 Background One of five demonstration projects nationally. Funded by the Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department of Labor. Shelter Plus Care rental subsidy funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
12/3/2015Threshold Project5 Goals Participants secure and maintain competitive employment Participants secure and maintain housing Sustainability of services Systems change
12/3/2015Threshold Project6 Work is Recovery “ Recovery … means growing beyond the catastrophe of mental illness and developing new meaning and purpose in one ’ s life. It means taking charge of one ’ s life even if one cannot take complete charge of one ’ s symptoms. ” William A. Anthony, Ph.D. Excerpt from Psychology Rehabilitation Journal, 16 (4)
12/3/2015Threshold Project7 Work is Recovery Work provides: Purpose Structure Increased self-esteem New social networks Skill enhancement
12/3/2015Threshold Project8 Engagement/Discovery "The most significant predictor of treatment success is the ability [to provide] an empathetic, hopeful, continuous treatment relationship... ” -Dr. Kenneth Minkoff (2002)
12/3/2015Threshold Project9 Strengths assessment Motivational Interviewing Stages of Readiness for Change Harm Reduction Engagement/Discovery
12/3/2015Threshold Project10 Collaboration Among Agencies Co-location (= accessibility) Flexibility Communication Common outcome measures Shared responsibility
12/3/2015Threshold Project11 Integrated Approach Employment explored cooperatively with recovery planning Cross training staff Employment staff “ think ” like case managers Case managers “ think ” like employment staff Integrated service teams
12/3/2015Threshold Project12 Know Your Client Discovery/Building Rapport Supported Employment Support Network * Resource Coordinator * Therapist/Psychiatrist * Family * Church Members
12/3/2015Threshold Project13 Employment Strategies Customized Employment Employer negotiation Self-employment Supported Employment Self-directed job search Training
12/3/2015Threshold Project14 Summary of Outcomes Entered Employment rate: 85% Highest Percentage Employed: 51% Six-month retention: 28%
12/3/2015Threshold Project15 Case Study Edna