DATA RETREAT PRINCIPAL’S MID-YEAR REPORT Vandercook Lake Schools Townsend Elementary Principal: Diane McQuillan Subject Area: Writing
GOAL We, all teachers at Townsend Elementary School, will improve writing skills of all students so that 70% show proficiency on the 2010 Writing MEAP grades 4 and 7, while accelerating the performance of students with disabilities so that 40% show proficient or advanced levels. 70% of all students grades 2-5 will average a rubric score of 4 or above on a 6 point rubric on the County Wide Common Assessment Writing From Knowledge and Experience and a 3 or above on a 4 point rubric on the Student Response to Peer Writing. By the 3rd (May) writing on the 3X/year writing sample assessments K-5, all students will average a 4 or above on a 6 point rubric. What group of students is targeted with this goal: All Students
Overview of Townsend’s Writing Program Collins Writing E.E.T. (Expanding Expressions Tool) Calkins Writing
Objective 1 General Education Teachers, in collaboration with Teachers of Students with Disabilities, will plan implementation of our research-based instructional writing best practices. As a result, we will close the gap between General Ed. and Special Ed. students by accelerating MEAP writing scores.
Evidence of Action One Gen. Ed. / Sp. Ed. meeting per marking period: Analyze writing assessments and discuss best practices. Co-Teaching Efforts Calkins / Collins Writing Programs
Is It Working? Teacher Input Increased Communication
Objective 2 All Teachers (Reg. and Sp. Ed.) K-12 will administer and score a prompted writing sample in September, January, and May to all students K-12. The purpose of this thematic prompt is to measure student growth in writing and to inform teachers so they may make timely instructional decisions.
Evidence of Action Common Theme for the Writing Prompts: “CHOICES” K-6 = Narrative Prompt 7-12 = Persuasive Prompt September (Pre Assessment) = Prompt A January (Mid Assessment) = Prompt B May (Post Assessment) = Either A or B
Evidence of Action (continued) Theme – Choice September K-2: If you could choose any pet, what would it be and why? 3-6: Write about a time you made a choice and it turned out well. or Write about a time you made a choice and it didn’t turn out well. January K-2: Our school chef wants to add a new food to our school menu. What would your food choice be and why? 3-6: Write about a time someone made a choice for you and it turned out well. or Write about a time someone made a choice for you and it didn’t turn out well. May K-2: May write using either the September or January prompt. 3-6: May write using either the September or January prompt.
Kindergarten Writing Sample
Second Grade Writing Sample
Fifth Grade Writing Sample
Evidence of Action (continued) Writing prompts given on Sept Staff trainings on scoring prompts using the 6 Trait Writing Rubric Writing prompts scored by entire staff Kindergarten Rubric (ADD K RUBRIC AND 6 TRAIT RUBRIC) Scores will be uploaded to Data Director
Is It Working? Creates a building-wide, common initiative Data for this school year on writing (no MEAP scores)
Objective 3 All ELA Teachers (Reg. and Sp. Ed.) K-5 will teach, using research-based methods of writing, a minimum of 45 minutes per day. Content area teachers will submit a minimum of one piece of writing each week (one Collins Type 3/month) to give students more practice writing.
Evidence of Action Collins Folder Review Principal-initiated Goal for All Teachers Regular Teacher Work-days to Prepare Lessons
Is It Working? Folder reviews have indicated increased efforts in time/assignments dedicated to writing.
Additional Initiatives Writing Buddies (Grades 1-5) Fountas & Pinnell Conference K-12 Common Planning for Data Retreat K-12 Grammar Structure (next slides)
Grammar Structure Grades 1-11
Grammar Structure Grades 1-11 continued
What’s Next? Evaluation of Writing Prompts – Possible intervention strategies Changing the Scoring Rubric for Next Year