Towards a harmonised water quality and pollution risk management LLIV-303 project “HOTRISK” Riga, LEGMC, 26.11.2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Towards a harmonised water quality and pollution risk management LLIV-303 project “HOTRISK” Riga, LEGMC,

Objectives Main -Project will contribute to the overall good status of the Baltic Sea in future by ensuring good chemical status of surface waters flowing into the Sea.

Subobjectives 1st – identification of “hot spots” of concern at cross border - assessment of necessity to settle transitional mixing zones - to establish list of Venta river basin polluting substances 2nd – adaptation of selected modelling tools in practice – cooperation of environmental authorities, regional environemental boards.

WP2 – Assessment of the current situation Prepared Final assessment of LV-LT rivers typology Elaborated “Final Report on LV-Lt rivers typology adjustment and quality assessment’s harmonisation” SEMINAR on April

WP3 – Development of modelling and supporting data set Elaborated “Report on integration of mixing zones to the overall water body, evaluation of fate of chemicals and nutrients in water media” Trainings of competent authorities - September.

WP4 – Dissemination of Results and Recommendations Prepared Summary on Project aim and achieved results on practical harmonised integration of mixing zones to water bodies for good status at cross border region.

WP4 – Dissemination of Results and Recommendations The overall project report “Summary on Project aim and achievements” FINAL SEMINAR “Mixing zones and water quality”

Thank you for attention! More information about project: