America First CommitteeAmerica First Committee –Established in 1940 –Opposed aid to the Allies because of fear of involvement in the war. –After Pearl Harbor, committee dissolved and supported the war efforts IsolationistsIsolationists –Opposed war with Europe –Jeanette Rankin Congresswoman from MontanaCongresswoman from Montana Only vote against going to war after the Japanese bombed Pearl HarborOnly vote against going to war after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor Opposition to Entry
Support to Entry Entering WWII put an end to the Depression RationingRationing –Most Americans had to ration certain everyday items. –Ration stamps were used for some things. –Victory gardens were grown by Americans for their own use so more food could be used for the troops. –Conserving resources
Get Your Ration Cards
S..t..r..e..t..c..h That Food!
Support the Troops War BondsWar Bonds –Helped pay for the war. –Bond drives were made to get people to buy war bonds. War Production Board (WPB)War Production Board (WPB) –Formed to make sure that the right war materials were produced. –Peace time production to War time production.
Fighting the Enemy on the Battlefield & on the Home Front
Buy, Buy, Buy, Buy a Bond: It Will Lead to VICTORY!
“Rosie, the Riveter”
Women effects Women went to work in the factories.Women went to work in the factories. –The symbol of “Rosie the Riveter” invented to get women into the war industries and factories. Paid less than menPaid less than men Worked for USO’sWorked for USO’s New units formed to allow women to serve in administrative duties.New units formed to allow women to serve in administrative duties. Supported Bond drives, recycling drives.Supported Bond drives, recycling drives.
Join the Women’s Army Corps
Women’s Army Air Corps Pilots
We Need Nurses Badly
African American effects Served with distinction throughout the war in segregated units.Served with distinction throughout the war in segregated units. Tuskegee AirmenTuskegee Airmen –A group of African Americans that served as fighter group in Europe. Many found jobs in the war industries.Many found jobs in the war industries. Charles DrewCharles Drew –African American physician and medical researcher. –Helped to develop large scale blood banks. Researched the field of blood transfusions.Researched the field of blood transfusions.
Segregated Units
American Indian effects Group from the Navajo tribe were used as code talkers to pass on secrets.Group from the Navajo tribe were used as code talkers to pass on secrets.
Navajo “Code Talkers”
Japanese American effects Placed in internment camps after Pearl Harbor, Placed in internment camps after Pearl Harbor, –Taken from their homes to live in internment camps throughout the western part of the United States California, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, UtahCalifornia, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah –The United States government felt the Japanese-Americans could not be trusted after the attack on Pearl Harbor. –Authorized by a Presidential order in 1942 for the security of the United States Many still enlisted and served with honor in the war in Europe. Many still enlisted and served with honor in the war in Europe.
Japanese-American Boy Scout Troop in an Internment Camp
WW II Memorial in Washington, DC Dedicated on April 29, 2004
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