By: Victoria Cain
CPU- the component of a computer system that PROCESSES basic operations of the system. Monitor- a cathode-ray tube used for display and OUTPUT. Keyboard- has the INPUT function and assemblage of systematically arranged keys by which a machine or device is operated.
Mouse- INPUT and small mobile manual device that controls movement of the cursor. Speaker- OUTPUT and converts electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance. Printer- OUTPUT and device used for printing. Fax- a device used to send or receive facsimile communications.
Memory- a device or a component of a device in which information especially for a computer can be inserted and stored and from which it may be extracted when wanted. Software- the entire set of programs, procedures, and related documentation associated with a system. Hardware- major items of equipment or their components used for a particular purpose.
Input Device- any machine that feeds data into a computer. Output Device- any machine capable of representing information from a computer. Storage Device- a device capable of storing data. Processor- a computer program (as a compiler) that puts another program into a form acceptable to the computer. Modem- a device that converts signals produced by one type of device (as a computer) to a form compatible with another.
Computer System Parts & Functions
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