Llythrennedd Gwybodaeth: Y Cyd-destun Cymreig Information Literacy: The Welsh Context Huw Llywelyn Evans.


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Presentation transcript:

Llythrennedd Gwybodaeth: Y Cyd-destun Cymreig Information Literacy: The Welsh Context Huw Llywelyn Evans

Diffiniad Definition  Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner.

Diffiniad Definition  This definition implies several skills. We believe that the skills (or competencies) that are required to be information literate require an understanding of:  A need for information  The resources available  How to find information  The need to evaluate results  How to work with or exploit results  Ethics and responsibility of use  How to communicate or share your findings  How to manage your findings

Understanding Information Literacy: A Primer (UNESCO) If you only remember one paragraph from this publication, here is the one we hope it will be: “Over the course of your lifetime, the more you learn and thereby come to know, but especially the sooner you master and adopt proficient learning skills, habits and attitudes – finding out how, from where, from whom and when to search for and retrieve the information that you need to know, but have not yet learned – the more information literate you thereby become. Your competency in applying and utilizing those skills, habits and attitudes will enable you to make sounder and timelier decisions to cope with your personal and family health and welfare, educational, job-related, citizenship and other challenges.”

Cymru’n Un One Wales  Cenedl Gref a Hyderus  Dyfodol Iach  Cymdeithas Lewyrchus  Cymunedau Byw  Dysgu i Fyw  Cymdeithas Deg a Chyfiawn  Amgylchedd Cynaliadwy  Diwylliant Cyfoethog ag Amrywiol  A Strong and Confident Nation  A Healthy Future  A Prosperous Society  Living Communities  Learning for Life  A Fair and Just Society  A Sustainable Society  Rich and Diverse Culture

TystiolaethEvidence “Developing strategies to increase pupils’ independent research and library skills across the Curriculum” Researched and written by Alan Walters Richmond Park Primary School, Carmarthen School Library Association (South West Wales) event in 2006

Gwaith DaGood News  Ymarfer Da  Ysgolion  Colegau a Phrifysgolion  Llyfrgelloedd Cyhoeddus  Adnoddau Ar-lein  Dogfennau Policy  Cyfnod Sylfaen  Fframwaith Sgiliau 3-19  Partneriaethau  Sgiliau Sylfaenol Cymru  NIACE Dysgu Cymru  Good Practice  Schools  Colleges / Universities  Public Libraries  Online Resources  Policy Documents  Foundation phase  Skills Framework 3-19  Partnerships  Basic Skills Wales  NIACE Dysgu Cymru

Gwir SefyllfaReality Check  Darpariaeth gyson?  Angen mwy o wybodaeth?  Angen mwy o dystiolaeth?  Enghreifftiau da?  Sgiliau staff?  Cydweithio?  Consistent provision?  Gaps in our knowledge?  All the evidence we need?  Case studies?  Staff skills?  Co-operation?

Y Ffordd YmlaenNext Steps  Dyma eich cyfle chi i:  Ateb rhai o’r cwestiynnau  Amlinelli’r ffordd ymlaen  This is your opportunity to:  Answer some of these questions  Outline the way forward