From digital divide to digital opportunity Elements from the French approach Gilles Brégant
Structure 1. Focussing on the digital divide 2. French measures 3. Next steps
The digital divide ICT pervade welfare-critical domains: education, health, culture, trade,... A set of complex issues arises: –gap between households, ages, education –gap between regions –gap between companies –gap between countries
French specificities Widespread culture of online services... ad-hoc interface : « Minitel »...but late, still moderate, PC equipment 31 % of households equipped (est. 2000) Booming use of internet and GSM between 5,8 M and 10,1 M internet users (June 00) 26 M GSM subscribers (30/9/2000) Sustained interest for nation-wide solutions universal service issue
A glimpse of internet usage Source : Médiamétrie-ISL
In terms of internet penetration, noticeable differences within Europe Source : IDC France within Europe
Actors to bridge the divide Multiple tiers are available: International organisations Central government Local authorities Companies Associations & organisations
Structure 1. Focussing on the digital divide 2. French measures 3. Next steps
Divide tackled as a key issue Governmental Action Plan, August 1997 –Coordinated by Prime Minister –2 missions : e-commerce, administration – « CISI » 10/7/2000 –focus set on Digital Divide –new mission : public access to internet and multimedia (1/12/2000) Plus: associations, local authorities
Households & regions Free public internet access sites 2500 « espaces publics numériques » by 2003 free internet and multimedia training Internet access points in public premises 4800 in Post Office, libraries, ANPE by 2003 PCs from companies or administration gifts to individuals or associations fiscal measures to encourage new equipment
An adequate regulation Lower internet access rates unbundling of the local loop, radio local loop, UMTS, satellite, high-bandwidth delivery universal service if appropriate Safer regulatory framework e-payment, IAP liability, personal data, regulation of e-commerce, e-signature Essential data on the net essential public data, e-procurement, public forms
Education Connecting schools 100 % secondary schools connected (1/9/2000) every primary school connected by 2002 reduced access fare Upgrading programmes « internet and multimedia certificate » created training of teachers and professors Lifelong training internet training for the unemployed
Culture, developing countries Access to culture access points, training, digitalization programme support of French language North-South divide 100 MF/year contribution to major specialised funds (Inforoutes, InfoDev) Four major orientations : (1) stable regulatory framework, (2) education & training (3) access points (4) content creation active participation to Ecosoc, G8, EU initiative
Structure 1. Focussing on the digital divide 2. French measures 3. Next steps
Next steps Better metrics to estimate the divide in 2001 Evaluation of impact of existing measures eEurope action plan G8 DOT-Force to address global divide
From digital divide to digital opportunity Elements from the French approach Gilles Brégant