KS 1 SATS 2013
DATES AND TESTS The last term in Year 2 is very important. Children are tested for their SATs at the end of year two on: Writing Reading Spelling Maths In addition to the tests, teachers will be collecting evidence from class based work between March and July, in order to prove that children are of a certain level.
LEVELS Research has shown that the average child that achieves a 2B by the end of year two is more likely to get 5 GCSE’s upon leaving high school. Children are levelled using a number and a letter e.g. 1C, 1B, 1A, 2C, 2B, 2A The number represents the level the child is working at, and the letter represents how secure the child is within that level. Every child is different and not all children can reach the same level. Our job is to ensure that children reach their full potential and progress from where they began in Year 2. Year two SATs are also used to help predict levels and to set targets for the next 4 years of primary school
TESTS AND EVIDENCE We conduct and mark the tests in school. This along with the evidence collected from classwork is used to level each child. We are then expected to submit levels for Writing, Reading, Spelling and Maths, as well as Speaking and Listening and Science (not tested)
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Ensuring your child’s attendance is the best it can be means that they are not missing out on valuable learning that will benefit them or missing the opportunity to take part in work that will be used as evidence in order to level them. Ensure that children are completing their homework as independently as possible. Children will obviously need support with homework at times but there is a difference between this and doing homework for them. Children will need to develop their understanding and independence for SATs as they will have to complete the tests independently. Additional activities are available on the VLE. Don’t put your child under too much pressure. Practice known maths facts e.g. times tables, number bonds, counting on and back, mental maths. Read at home – home reading/library books, sharing bedtime stories Speaking and Listening, and Writing opportunities based on children’s experiences.
If you have any questions now or throughout the year, please ask your child’s teacher. We will be happy to help!