Values, Ethics, Academic Integrity GEL 101 – Fall 2012 Chapter FIVE Created by: Greg Toya, Ed.D. Associate Dean of Students
Dean of Students Office Mission Advocacy –Grade Appeals –Student Grievance –Title IX –Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation –Student Outreach And Referral (SOAR) –Civility Accountability
Title IX Notice of Non-Discrimination The California State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, or sexual orientation in its education programs or activities. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and certain other federal and state laws, prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in all education programs and activities operated by the university (both on and off campus). Title IX protects all people regardless of their gender or gender identity from sex discrimination, which includes sexual harassment and violence
Executive Order 1072 Sexual Discrimination Sexual Harassment Sexual Violence Complaint Procedure Title IX Coordinator –Bridget Blanshan, Ed.D. Dean of Students –Executive Order 1074 Discrimination Harassment Retaliation
Values Conducting oneself with care, respect and empathy while acknowledging the culture and humanity of others
Civility Pledge As a member of the CSUSM community, I will conduct myself with care, respect, and empathy while acknowledging the culture and humanity of others
Earn a Civility T-shirt 1. Sign up and say the Civility Pledge. Post the pledge in your office or home. 2. “Like” the CSUSM Civility Facebook page. 3. Nominate a Civility Champion on the Civility website ( 4. Obtain a bracelet and promise to pass the bracelet to a CSUSM community member who emulates civility, care, respect, and empathy. Share the story of your bracelet passing on CSUSM Civility Facebook. Complete four above steps show the Dean of Students Office (Craven 3600) staff your nomination and/or story to earn a shirt.
The Exchange National Conflict Resolution Center Skills-based Civility training Solve conflict on campus, in class, at home, and in life 6-hour training sessions Open sessions in
Values What are values? What are your values? CSUSM Values Why are values important?
Ethics What are Ethics? Ethics and Values Ethical dilemmas
Academic Honesty What is “Academic Honesty”? Definitions QUIZ!
Why Cheat? 1.Time management 2.Needed a better grade 3.Capitalize on opportunity 4.Peer pressure Why Not Cheat? 1.Believe it was wrong 2.Will get caught 3.Afraid of Consequences Partello (1993)
Standards for Student Conduct Student Code Student Code and Personal Values Activity
Student Conduct Process Referral to Dean of Students Disciplinary Conference Settlement Agreement Disciplinary Hearing
Consequences Non-Academic Cases Academic Grade Student Status Warning Disciplinary Probation Suspension Expulsion Educational Sanction/Others Transcript Notations Executive Order 1073
Honoring the Code Know your values and ethics Practice a culture of honor Know code and resources Plagiarism ppt Ask a Librarian DOS Tips GEL Custom Text Others
Questions? More info Greg Toya, Ed.D. Associate Dean of Students Dean of Students Office SOAR (7627)