Personalisation Update Simon Galczynski Associate Director, Integrated Community Services.
Recap Putting People First Concordat in 2007 was the start of a programme of transformation in adults social care. Key elements: 1.Information and advice – effectively sign-posting people 2.Targeted support for recovery – reablement 3.Personalised care Better outcomes, better experience and better use of resources.
Direction of travel has remained consistent: Think Local, Act Personal Health and Social Care Act, 2012 Care and Support Bill 2012
Where have we got to? Access team established Comparatively good performance for personal budgets (86%) and direct payments (36%) Reablement service established Good links between health and social care Still work to be done, and relatively low numbers of older people using direct payments (12%)
Next steps Better Access, information and advice functions to sign-post people, and enable providers to directly market their services. Pre-paid cards Developing “p.a. finders” “DP express” model Working with people who use the service More personalised options for people who still want the Council to commission services on their behalf.
What is a Pre-paid card? A pre-paid card is like a debit card Service user’s direct payments’ funds are loaded onto the card by Social Services Individuals can use money to purchase goods/services identified in their support plan. Islington own the card- set up on the user’s behalf