Catalyst: Please get out your notebook and begin numbering pages FRONT AND BACK from the front to the back ~ pages (5 min) Agenda Catalyst (5 min) Interactive notebook set up (30min) Objectives: SWBAT Set up their interactive notebook
6 th period As you come in to class please grab a book from the area below the projection screen On the notecard write your NAME and your BOOK NUMBER (inside front cover, written, stamped or in small numbers under a barcode)
Setting Up Your Interactive Notebook Your guide to a successful year in biology! Please partner up with the person sitting next to you and SHARE glue and scissors
Inside Cover & p. 1 Score Sheet-Interactive Notebook You’ll keep track of and get your scores for your notebook here Inside cover Table of Contents (pp. 1-29) Each day you’ll keep track of new work in your Table of Contents. 1
pp. 2-3 Table of Contents, cont. (pp ) 2 Table of Contents, cont. (pp ) 3
pp. 4-5 Table of Contents, cont. (pp ) 4 Table of Contents, cont. (pp ) 5
pp. 6-7 Table of Contents, cont. (pp ) 6 Table of Contents, cont. (pp ) 7
pp. 8-9 Syllabus (fold it and glue it.) 8 Syllabus (cont.) 9
pp Interactive Notebook Checklist 10 Enhanced Cornell Notes info 11
pp Reading & Writing Strategies 12 Reading & Writing Strategies, cont. 13
pp MEL-Con Paragraph Template 14 Annotation Information (Blank for now) 15
pp Science ACT Score Graph (blank for now.) 16 College Readiness Standards Tracking (blank for now) 17
pp Clock Partners (blank for now) 18 Bathroom Passes 19
pp Catalyst from 8/27 – 8/29 8/28: 3 characteristics of living things. 8/29: How many cells do you think are in a human body? Justify your answer. 20 Characteristics of life Reading Handout 21
pp Unifying Principles Notes 22 Levels of Organization 23 Made of cells Reproduce Grow Collect and use energy (food) Respond to the environment and maintain internal balance (Human examples: reflexes, Stable body temperature (98.6 o F)) Anything that meets ALL of these criteria is considered a living organism Atom Smallest Molecule Organelle Cell Tissue Organ Organ System Organism Population Community Ecosystem Biosphere Largest
pp Data Analysis: Levels of Organization Worksheet from 8/29 24 (STOP ON THIS PAGE!!) For each of the molecules listed below identify one food that would have a lot of that molecule: (ex: eggs have a lot of protein) protein carbohydrate fat 25
pp Organic compounds Graphic Organizer Carbohydrates 26 Organic compounds Graphic Organizer Lipids 27
pp Organic compounds Graphic Organizer Proteins 28 Organic compounds Graphic Organizer Nucleic Acids 29