Central Elementary School Open House 3 rd Grade Team: Eileen Angelo, Carissa Bayer, Stacey Finke, Shannon Lira, Kim Zocco
Vision Statement We aim to challenge our students to learn and work to their fullest potential. We set high expectations for students and help them achieve attainable goals. We support, encourage, and inspire our students. They are the future, and they are capable of anything. We focus on collaborative learning, working together to make sure our students come first. We believe in fairness, giving each and every student what he or she individually needs to succeed. We recognize and embrace diversity. We learn and grow together, united as one. It is our mission to provide students with a safe, comfortable, engaging environment, where there is a mutual respect and appreciation for others.
C ollaborate and challenge A ppreciation R espect E mbrace diversity S upport Who CARES to hang out in third grade?
Rights and Responsibilities Student/Parent/Teacher Contract All parties will sign a contract stating responsibilities and rules including attendance, discipline, support, and general classroom rules. Student jobs in the classroom– rotate weekly Promotes responsibility in the classroom and helps keep our classroom community running efficiently. Rules and Expectations Posted – students decide most important ones the first day of school Students can clearly see what is expected of them and also feel that they have a voice in how the classroom community is run.
Routines and Procedures Predictable routines- so students will know what is expected of them, and follow smooth transitions allowing for more on task behavior and learning to occur 1. arrival and dismissal -unpack backpack, hand in homework, do morning work, notes to office if getting picked up 2. bathroom, hall, water -done at beginning and end of day 3. classroom jobs – rotate every week 4. morning meetings – Monday, discuss how the last week went, talk about past and upcoming events if needed, 5. passing out and collecting papers- student job, smooth transitions Safety Procedures – being prepared for emergencies 1. fire drill- practiced throughout the year, line up at door and quietly head to exit
Problem Solving Conflict Resolution Center : Students who find themselves in some type of conflict will go to the table in the back of the room to cool down and think about what has just happened. If the conflict involves two or more students, they will write down their thoughts and feelings on a sheet of paper to express their concern/conflict in a healthy manner. Students will then discuss the conflict with teacher to decide how it will be resolved.
Problem Solving Team Meetings: Students who are involved in a more serious problem or conflict, or an issue that is continuously occurring, will call for a team meeting between the student, parents, and teacher to discuss the issue and determine what step to take next.
Finding a Win-Win Situation together : When students face a problem, they can get the “Talk” and “Listen” signs to hold while figuring out how to solve the issue. This will prevent interruptions when one person is trying to talk and express their feelings, and it is a good way to teach students how to listen to other people’s thoughts, feelings, and ideas. This strategy provides students with an opportunity to work together, respect one another, and find a mutual agreement. Problem Solving
Suggestions for Parents Tips for good grades 1.Create and environment in your home that encourages learning 2.Provide your children with a well-balanced life 3.Read to your children every day 4.Encourage them to read extensively 5.Show your children how to be organized 6.Teach them to be organized
Homework 1.Assignment pad 2.Planning calendar 3.Review work 4.Take home folder 5.Keep homework to review for tests and quizzes 6.Eliminate distractions 7.Set up a place just for homework Suggestions for Parents
Time Management 1.Priorities 2.Simple routines 3.Use a calendar 4.Leave room for breaks and free time 5.Always leave room to try new things
Thank You For Coming! “Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.” Nikos Kzantzakis “Tell me and I will forget. Teach me and I will remember. Involve me and I will learn.” Benjamin Franklin