Personalising learning Robin Ball, Manager – Learning Services, Becta Richard Allen, Consultant, Learning Services, Becta BETT 08 Friday, 11 January 2008
Becta's role As Government's lead partner in the strategic development and delivery of its e-strategy, Becta has four main roles: Strategic adviser to government Co-ordinator of the e-strategy Providing insight through analysis and research Strategic delivery partner
Personalising learning Focus is moving away from access to learning platform technologies towards how they are being used Usage will provide a baseline from which effective use can be defined Effective use will be outcome driven Effective use will be mapped as a maturity model with supporting tools to enable individual institutional development
What is a personalised online learning space for 2007/8? Communication and collaboration tools to enable both peer-to-peer and peer-to-mentor dialogue Individual online working spaces, for the school workforce and pupils Management: Tools to enable teachers to create and manage digital content to match user needs and learning styles and to report on usage Access: safe and secure anytime, anywhere access CM
–ICT quality indicators –Self-review framework –Investment planner –Standards and specifications –Framework agreements –FITS –The learning platform
The butterfly effect The effect of a very small change in the initial conditions of a system which makes a significant difference to the outcome
Home learning activity Very popular – with children – fun and engagement – with parents – high level of engagement Blends real and virtual activity Guided learning <> personalised learning <> independent learning Parental influence <> pedagogy Somewhat year dependant outcomes
The learner voice
Personalised learning A personalised learning space is a real advantage for people who want to get ahead with their studies. A video clip is available – to watch this, please download the zip file from the web page
Learning platforms Learning platforms are making an impact. Young people are noticing the continuity when making that vital step between junior and secondary schools. A video clip is available – to watch this, please download the zip file from the web page
Travelling and learning Education is a vital part of life for this young travelling girl. Having a laptop is great for getting to know classmates and getting help fast when it’s needed. A video clip is available – to watch this, please download the zip file from the web page
Family learning School websites are a vital link between home and school. Parents can work alongside their children and develop their own essential skills. A video clip is available – to watch this, please download the zip file from the web page
Community learning Learning is lifelong. This senior surfer reflects on the impact of her computer course. She now uses the computer with her grandchildren, and it forms a bridge across generations. A video clip is available – to watch this, please download the zip file from the web page
Developing an e-learning culture Link your learning platform to the school development plan and the self-review framework Provide information on the learning platform that cannot be found elsewhere – Calendars, bulletins, minutes, plans, etc Use discussion forums for consultation Set up collaborative projects – Clear start and finish – one term – If you plan a trial or transition – set a deadline for this Use the learning platform to communicate with the wider community
Some Do’s and Don’ts for Headteachers Use staff who will support the project Develop an action plan, outcomes, evaluate and review Use the learning platform yourself – it must be seen to be strategically important Give learning platform actions responsibility to a single person Expect e-learning just to happen Expect too much – Too many tools – Two intranets – Two websites
1.Key factors to consider Aggregation AND flexibility Empowerment Use the self-review framework – key tool Change management Link agendas – Whole school improvement/self-review framework/ SEF & ECM / Evidence to Ofsted