This core class explores and investigates the worlds of Physical Science. Units of Study include: Science and Technology Motion Forces and Energy Forms of Energy (KE/PE, electricity) Energy in Motion (waves, sound and light).
3 ring hardcover binder with 5 dividers OR a folder. (Whatever organization method is best for your child) Red pens for correcting papers Pencils Colored pencils 4 Function basic calculator Blank CD to get a copy of the textbook for home (optional) Chrome Book on a daily basis
NEW THIS YEAR!! We are not going to issue textbooks to each student. We have found that we don’t use the textbook mostly in class, but not on a regular basis. So we are going to try having a class set available in class only and issuing a CD-Rom or actual textbook to those who want one. An online book is available, but is NOT COMPATABLE WITH CHROME. Students can access the book online only through a laptop or desktop. Use my weebly site link for access. CD-ROM version of the textbook is available to be used at home as well.
Planbook Link Online book link Copies of all assignments and Ms. Braniff’s notes Review games and links Much Much more!! Book Mark it!!
Being Organized is very important this year. They will be keeping journal reflections, notes, homework, lab reports and copies of their assessments. They will want to keep ALL of their assessments since questions are taken off of these for the final unit assessment.
BE HONEST This means to tell the truth in what you say and do. BE RESPECTFUL This means that you have respect for yourself, your peers, and me. We show respect in what we DO, in our ATTITUDES, and in what we SAY. BE PROMPT AND PREPARED This means that you are to be in class ON TIME with ALL appropriate materials. DO QUALITY WORK This means that you hand in neat papers: clean edges, correct spelling, erased mistakes, and no scribbling or doodling. FOLLOW SCHOOL RULES This means that you are responsible for knowing our school’s rules and consequences if you should choose to break them.
1. Check your grade on Power Schools using your student portal DAILY or WEEKLY as this will show you your current grade and any missing assignments. 2. When you are absent, check Ms. Braniff’s Planbook to see what you missed. If there is anything you need to pick up, you’ll find it in the folder marked with your hour. Your name will be on the top. If Ms. Braniff forgets to put it in the folder, extras are on the front counter! Be proactive and do this yourself! Don’t expect Ms. Braniff to seek you out to deliver missed assignments. You are one of 180 students! Ms. Braniff does her best, but is only one person 3. Turn in all assignments on time. Absent/Late work can be turned into the labeled basket next to Ms. Braniff’s desk. Make sure to write absent or late at the top with the date.
4. Use the suggested study tools Ms. Braniff may supply to you and MASTER the assessment the first time! Don’t expect to retake, as not all assignments are retakeable! 5. Work from bell to bell. If you use your class time to the fullest extent, homework is RARE! 6. Work cooperatively with others. As a class we will create some “Key Working Agreements” that will help everyone be successful. So stay tuned! 7. ABOVE ALL – ASK QUESTIONS, BE CURIOUS AND DISCOVER ANSWERS!!! You have to be an advocate for yourself! Ms. Braniff Rocks… but is NOT a mind reader. If you have questions ASK!!!! The only stupid questions are the ones not asked. Ms. Braniff is available almost daily at lunch, before school, and sometimes after school. her if you want!
1. Update and post grades as quickly as possible. 2. Update Planbook Daily 3. Make myself available as possible to give students extra help. 4. Put extra copies of assignments in the “Extra Handout” basket and absent work in the absent folders. 5. Correct and hand back papers in a timely manner. 6. Create a positive, productive, and creative learning environment. 7. Supply resource materials such as textbooks, dictionaries, and other lab equipment when necessary. 8. Provide a clean and organized classroom. 9. Help students to discover answers to questions.
90% Summative Assessments/Assignments Designed for a student to demonstrate all that they know about a topic. Designed for a student to demonstrate all that they know about a topic. Examples (not limited to these): Projects, Lab Reports, Quizzes and Unit Tests. Examples (not limited to these): Projects, Lab Reports, Quizzes and Unit Tests. No Retakes on Summatives (includes Midterm and Final Exams) No Retakes on Summatives (includes Midterm and Final Exams) 10% Formative Assessments/Assignments Designed to show students progress; where they are at in the learning process; helps teachers design the next step in their lessons. Designed to show students progress; where they are at in the learning process; helps teachers design the next step in their lessons. Examples (not limited): worksheet, practice problems, quiz, exit ticket. Examples (not limited): worksheet, practice problems, quiz, exit ticket. Retakes are allowed on most of these assessments/assignments, guidelines will vary depending on the item. The better of the two grades is kept. Retakes are allowed on most of these assessments/assignments, guidelines will vary depending on the item. The better of the two grades is kept.
40% Quarter 1 Grade + 40% Quarter 2 Grade + 20% Midterm/Final Exam Study guides and Review games are given for all Exams as well as any Summative Test
BOXTOPS FOR EDUCATION All Powell Science teachers collect Box Tops and the funds are used to enhance the entire science curriculum for all grades. Each student can receive 1 raffle ticket for every 5 Box Tops and their name is put in the Prize Raffle at the end of each semester. Much needed donated supplies: Kleenex, Kleenex, Kleenex & Pencils
is best! But feel free to call with questions or concerns!