Anthem Project 3-21
Choose one of the following options: Newspaper Reporting 1. Write a factual newspaper article about Prometheus’s escape from jail, his surprise appearance at the Council of World Scholars and his flight into the uncharted forest. Then, write an opinionated editorial about the same events, written by one of his “brothers.” Include at least one illustration with each.
Option 2 Movie Director 2. You are applying for a job to direct the movie version of Anthem. Write a letter to the producer in which you try to convince him to hire you. You letter must indicate: A: Which actors you would cast as Prometheus and Gaia and why? Think about physical characteristics and personality traits; B: A detailed description of the setting; C: An explanation of the theme of the novel and why that theme is particularly relevant and valuable to modern viewers; D: Musical suggestions for two specific scenes in the story, E: Create a sample movie poster with the title, names of stars and images that would persuade us to see the film. (you may use printed pictures for this part of the assignment.
Option 3 Continuing the Story Write a new ending for Anthem in which Prometheus is captured while attempting to rescue his friends. Include a court scene of Prometheus’s trial before the Council for his “sins”. How will Prometheus use his new understanding of morality to defend himself and his actions? Include an illustration of Prometheus defending his actions.
Requirements Each of these assignments requires the submission of a written piece of work. Each of these assignments should be no less than 500 words and no more than 1000 words in total. Work need not be typed as long as it is written very neatly and clearly on lined paper. Paper copies must be turned in by the end of the period it is due. Due to the logistics of collecting, loading, copying pasting and space restrictions in place by CMS, electronic copies of assignments cannot be accepted. Students CANNOT print their assignments and must turn in their own copies.
Grammar and Anthem In keeping with the grammar instruction of honors English, grammar errors will be penalized. Two points will be deducted from the final product for each of the following grammatical errors: sentence fragments, run on sentences, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and subject verb agreement errors.