Correcting Papers With the REVIEW Feature in Microsoft Office June 16 th Teacher InService
Open the “What It Looks Like” document on the WikiPage
Click the REVIEW tab
Comments Menu Allows you to type a comment right onto a document. The comment can show up in a “balloon” or on the same line as the text.
Look! A Comment!
Your Turn!
Tracking Menu Allows you to keep “track” of all the changes you make in a document, use balloons, and change the look of the document
Your Turn!
Balloons Menu
Your Turn!
Your Turn! Decide what “mark-ups” you want to see and which ones you don’t. Ex: Comments, Inserts and Deletions, or even certain reviewers’ changes.
Your Turn!
On Your Own Open a document on WikiSpace and “play” with the buttons we reviewed today After review, save document as your last name and practice uploading it to a WikiPage Open someone else's reviewed document and respond to their comments Save document as their name and your name then upload that document to the WikiPage Go back to your original document and see who responded to you, delete all of THEIR comments and revisions