Unit One Occupations. 词汇量剧增 语法难度增大 全英语授课 Leading –in.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit One Occupations

词汇量剧增 语法难度增大 全英语授课

Leading –in

He is a _______. He works in ________. His job is to _____________________. doctor a hospital operate on the sick people

She is a _______. She works in ________. She tries her best to help students to ________. She has many tasks, such as _____________________.

models… work in…their jobs are…


language points

be involved in Teachers are involved in many tasks,such as correcting homework and becoming their good friends.

Teachers are involved in …… explain lessons give homework correct papers mark test papers give grades

A secretary is involved in _________________________ writing letters. ( 写信) be involved in The job of a secretary involves writing letters. involve doing ……

A secretary is involved in…… The job of a secretary involves …… answer telephones receive people store information on a computer put papers in good orders work out plans and timetables

operate on sick people repair the organs take care of the patient’s medical treatment

一名模特要向人们展示最新潮流。 A model is involved in showing the latest fashion to people. The job of a model involves showing the latest fashion to people.

一名警察需要经常面对危险的情况。 A policeman is involved in facing dangerous situations. The job of a policeman involves facing dangerous situations.


Day 1: 英译汉 A society is made up of people from all walks of life.

Teachers’ impact on students stays all through their lives.

The skills of a surgeon sometimes mean the difference between life and death.

People take up different occupations in various work places.

Teachers are involved in many tasks, such as explaining lessons, giving homework and correcting papers.

Day 2: 连词成句 plans and timetables, also, helps, a secretary, work out, the boss. A secretary also helps the boss work out plans and timetables.

all walks of life, thus, made up of, is, a society A society is thus made up of all walks of life.

enjoy, and, a large number of, be dressed like, young people, the models, want to, following trends. A large number of young people enjoy following trends and want to be dressed like the models.

teachers, at the end of every term, test papers, mark, and, their students, give grades to At the end of every term, teachers mark test papers and give grades to their students.

takes care of, after an operation, a surgeon, until he gets well, medical treatment, the patient’s After an operation, a surgeon takes care of the patient’s medical treatment until he gets well.

Day 3: 给半句翻译 _________________, ( 本月底, at the end of ) we will have a maths test.

If a teacher is very helpful to a student, ___________________________ (那么学生将一生都记得他。 all through one’s life )。

It is not easy for a secretary to _______________________________. (为老板制定计划和时刻表。 work out )

Many girls ___________________, (羡慕模特的时尚和漂亮 admire ) but their lives are full of hardship.

With the development of society, entering the university is _____________________________. (不再是高中生唯一的选择。 no longer )

Day 4: 全句翻译 他花了三星期才制定出这个计划。 (work out)

上海世博会将对上海的发展有很大 的影响。 (have an impact on )

. 现在越来越多的年轻人想从事教师 这个职业。( take up )

来自各行各业的人参加了会议并提 出自己的意见。 ( all walks of life)

老师不仅要教学生知识,而且要成 为学生的好朋友。 (be involved in )