Culture and Behaviour By Dr Amanda Marshall-Ponting – licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial – Share Alike License
Culture and behaviour Using these learning materials
Learning outcomes On completion of this module you will be able to Identify sources of culture and evaluate its impacts upon behaviour in the workplace Understand how organisational culture and behaviour can be measured and managed Reflect upon the managerial impacts of cross-cultural leadership Understand how to manage organisational culture change Critically evaluate theory in the context current of practice
Culture & behaviour: Subject focus What is culture? Why is it important Discussion: Definitions; productivity. Experiencing culture in the workplace Models: Iceberg Discussion: identifying culture from organisational artefacts Measuring & managing organisational culture & behaviour Models: Handy’s four types of culture (1984); Hofstede’s Culture’s Consequences (1980) Discussion: Describing & comparing organisational culture; Impacts of culture on behaviour; cross-cultural management Changing organisational culture Models: McKinsey’s 7S model (1980); Discussion: Hard and soft cultural components; sub- cultures; communities of practice
Structure of the learning materials Reflective questions, problem scenarios Supplementary reading Stage 3 Presentation Background reading Stage 2 Introductory presentation Stage 1
Using the learning materials Recommendation: Work through activities in stages 1, 2, and 3 in sequence The exercises and supplementary reading in stage 3 will be more meaningful if you complete stages 1 and 2 first
Using the learning materials Recommendation: Work through activities in stages 1, 2, and 3 in sequence But you can choose the order in which you complete the activities in each stage
Using the learning materials Recommendation: Work through activities in stages 1, 2, and 3 in sequence You might want to complete the exercises as you work through the background document or at the end
Using the learning materials The background document identifies the points at which the content specific exercises could be completed
Using the learning materials Gordon, G.G. and DiTomaso, N. (1992) Predicting corporate performance from organizational culture. Journal of Management Studies, 29 (6), pp The supplementary reading can be completed prior to tackling the exercises or afterwards Jermier, J.M., Slocum, J.W., Fry, L.W. and Gaines, J. (1991) Organizational subcultures in a soft bureaucracy: Resistance behind the myth and façade of an official culture. Organization Science, 2 (2), pp Ogbonna, E. and Harris, L.C. (2002) Organizational culture: A ten year, two- phase study of change in the UK food retailing sector. Journal of Management Studies, 39 (5), pp Ling, F., Ang, A. and Lim, S. (2007) Encounters between foreigners and Chinese: Perception and management of cultural differences. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 14 (6), pp