Jim Carrick-Birtwell, plotr CEO
Why are we here?
McKinsey analysis – Education to employment, Dec 2012 Paradox: 75 million young people unemployed Employers report critical shortages of key skills
Employers lack confidence in the skills system
90% of employers want to be more involved with careers support for young people (source: Deloitte, Education and Employers Taskforce, 2010)
Young people want better careers advice 95% of young people said they would like employers to be more involved 60% of young people say education should focus on career advice, work experience and employment skills 71% want careers advice from age 11
11, 14, 16, 18, 21
Moments of truth for young people deciding on career paths
Young people need advice sooner
What does the solution look like?
McKinsey recommendations Education to employment: Designing a system that works 1.Better data about career options and training pathways required to make informed decisions 2.Education to employment solutions need to scale up 3.Technology, the internet, and serious game simulation, i.e a system integrator required
What are we all about? plotr’s mission is to democratise knowledge and information about careers and the world of work, and to inspire and inform every young person about the options available to them between the ages of 11 and 24. I
Our focus Two core constituencies: High achieving young people Disadvantaged young people
How does plotr work? Inspiration, exploration, discovery & opportunity Current product set = ‘limbs’ of system: 1. Career worlds 2. Resource centre 3. Opportunity finder 4. Employer profile
Career Worlds
Resource Centre Over 2,000 helpful articles across the web plotr blog live as well as our features section
Employer profile
Opportunity Finder Over 80,000 opportunities featured on the site Apprenticeships, volunteering and entry-level employer jobs
“Rejection letters” 20-30K unique users a month >200,000 unique users since Nov 2012
plotr development
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