IOE Global Employers’ Summit 6 October - Bahrain Denis Pennel, Ciett Managing Director
Source: WEF Global Talent Risk – Seven Responses, CEDEFOP, Eurostat, European Council Work mobility is required to address talent gap and skills mismatches
Source: McKinsey Global Institute – A labour market that works, June 2015 Labour markets are not functionning well
Source: Manpower 2015 Talent Shortage Survey Globally, 38% of employers have difficulties filling jobs
Source: Manpower 2015 Talent Shortage Survey Hardest jobs to fill: Skilled workers are the most sought after
Which solutions? Combat rogue traders exploiting (migrant) workers Entice governments to adopt appropriate regulation on private employment services (ILO Convention n°181) including no-fee charging Ensure level-playing field for all employment services & intermediaries Encourage governments to implement « Green card » type policy to select & monitor work mobility Encourage development of on-line employment platforms (e.g. Upwork,, to access the Human Cloud
72 million additional FTE positions created individuals will access labour market worldwide Source: McKinsey Global Institute – A labour market that works, June 2015 Is the Human Cloud the solution?
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