AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 1 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review AMS Ring Imaging CHerenkov PURPOSE: 1.Precise measurement.


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Presentation transcript:

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 1 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review AMS Ring Imaging CHerenkov PURPOSE: 1.Precise measurement of the velocity of charged particles 2.Measurement of the charge of the particles Velocity Electric Charge Cerenkov Radiator Photo- detectors Conical Reflector Charge Velocity Particle Cherenkov radiation J. BERDUGO CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain)

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 2 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review Collision products: p, D, He 4, Li 6,… AMS RICH Performances: Test at CERN Accelerator E k /n=158 GeV/n H C O Fe Charge measurement: Identification of different nuclei Charge (Z) Velocity measurement: Accuracy of one part in a 1000 Velocicty (v/c) (v)/v = 0.09%

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 3 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review AMS RICH Main Elements ► Dual solid radiator configuration Low refractive index aerogel Sodium fluoride ►Conical reflector Reflectivity > 85% ► Photon detection plane Photomultiplier matrix (10880 channels) Spatial granularity: 8.5 x 8.5 mm 2 47 cm 64x64 cm cm 134 cm

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 4 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review NaF Aerogel Configuration for the Acceptance Vibration Test AMS RICH Radiator AerogelNaF Number of tiles8016 Thickness (mm)255 Size (mm 2 )113 x x 85 Refractive index Clarity (m 4 /cm) Max Opening Angle (deg) Threshold velocity (v/c ) Venting Valve Halkey Roberts C770RP 50 m filter (stainless steel) Interface blocks (Peek)

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 5 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review AMS RICH Radiator: Container Assembly and Test Assembly of the Radiator Container under the Lower TOF Structure Vibration Test Lower TOF and RICH Radiator Container

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 6 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review AMS RICH Reflector MANDREL The reflector is made by a replica technique Flight Unit

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 7 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review AMS RICH Detection Plane HAMAMATSU M16 4 X 4 pixels Each pixel is 4 x 4 mm 2 Array of 680 photomultiplier tubes sensors Gain ~ V QE  20 % in the range nm FRONT-END ELECTRONICS  Acquisition circuit (16 channels)  Resistor Divider for HV Mounted on 4 small PCB located at the basement of the phototube HV Isolation Polycarbonate housing Dow Corning injection

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 8 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review -35° 55° The PMT´s will stand a wide range of Temperatures (-35 O to 55 O ) AMS RICH Detection Plane: Thermal Test of Photomultipliers

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 9 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review AMS RICH Detection Plane: Unit cell Mechanical Assembly FE Electronics Photomultiplier Optical Pad Housing Shielding Light Guide Nylon wires

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 10 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review Two unit cells were tested to reach the breakage point AMS RICH Detection Plane: Unit cell Mechanical Test The wires accomplished 38 g No breakage occurred No degradation on the optical contact

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 11 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review AMS RICH Detection Plane: Unit cells arranged in GRIDS Total Grids4+4 Unit Cells680 Read-out lines92 Read-out boards12 HV lines160 Thermal sensors96 Internal beams Stiffness skin U-Beam Read-out boards HV Patch panel Unit Cells

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 12 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review Internal beams Unit Cells Assembly Jigs AMS RICH Detection Plane: Grid Assembly

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 13 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review HV connection Read-out kapton cables Stiffness skin HV Patch panel Read-out boards AMS RICH Detection Plane: Grid Internal Cabling

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 14 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review AMS RICH Detection Plane: Vibration and TVT Vibration Test Rectangular Grid (143 units) Thermal Vacuum Test Rectangular Grid (143 units)

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 15 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review Online/SlowCtrl Software Validation: Read-out Communication Protocol HV Power Supply Control Software for Calibration and Data taking Temperature Sensors Read-out Characterization Data:  HV OFF:  Pedestals and electronic noise  HV ON:  Dark Current  Gains  Efficiencies HV Power Supply Optical Fiber System JIN-R AMS RICH Detection Plane: Functional Test

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 16 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review RDR2 JINRRDR3 Generation of control signals to drive the front-end electronics Monitoring and setting of parameters Processing of the signal Online calibration 12 electronic boards located on the edge of the detector structure AMS RICH Electronics: Read-out System Produced at CRISA 21 Units (4 QM +12 FM + 5 FS) Board # Units (QM) # Units (FM+FS) RDR2 (2 CDPs)14+2 RDR3 (3 CDPs)12+1 RDR3L (3 CDPs)12+1 JINR (1 CDP + 1 CDDC)14+1

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 17 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review AMS RICH Final Assembly: Grids in the Main Structure

AMS-RICH Detector. J. Berdugo – CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) 18 AMS-02 Phase II Flight Safety Review The RICH detector has been validated by testing all the critical elements under different external conditions Two test beam data campaigns have demonstrated that the required capabilities of the detector are reached The detector is close to final completion and on schedule for integration at CERN SUMMARY