4-H Youth What is 4-H?
4-H Ages 5-19 Promotes hands-on learning Parent and volunteer participation All welcomed from all backgrounds All locals (rural and urban) Regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex.
4-H Many different programs After school programs, Horse groups Camping 4-H groups
4-H The common theme: Youth learning and growing in: citizenship Leadership Life skills
4-H Enabling all youth to reach their fullest potential through: Developing citizenship, leadership, and life skills Learning by doing 4-H enables youth to have fun, meet new people, learn new life skills, build self- confidence, learn responsibility, set and achieve goals!
4-H Builds the leaders of tomorrow Starts at community level, then moves onto county section, state, and then national level. Many different projects, programs, activities member can benefit from getting involved. Get involved in a community service project.
4-H MOTTO To make the best better
4-H Pledge (in California) As a True 4-H Member; I pledge My head to clear thinking My Heart to greater loyalty My hands to larger service My health to better living For my club, my community, my country, and my world.
4-H Any questions?????