Fall District Bookkeeper Meeting
District Bookkeeper Meeting October 5th 20152:00 pm to 4:00 pm AGENDA Travel Guidelines District Budget Information P-Card Procedures Finance Procedure Reminders Updates
Refreshments Provided by the Pasco Education Foundation
Travel Guidelines
Types of Travel o In-County o Out-of-County o Out-of State Forms Used o MIS Form 108 o MIS Form 110 o Professional Development Travel Request Form and Attachments To access MIS forms: To access Professional Development Form: pdf pdf Travel Guidelines
Mileage Rate Lodging Rate o $.38 per mile TIP: If using another source for map mileage, such as Google Maps or MapQuest, do not round up mileage. Use exact miles. $150 single occupancy $175 double occupancy TIP: Prior to traveling, approval in writing from Superintendent or the Area Superintendent is required if lodging rate is over the above rates.
Travel Guidelines Rates Per Diem $90.00 Per Diem Applies to overnight travel of 24 hours or more TIP: The $90 rate is calculated for hotel and meal expenses combined.
Travel Guidelines Per Diem Meals Allowances for out-of-county travel not requiring overnight travel. $ 5.00 Breakfast (travel begins before 6am – after 8am) $11.00 Lunch (travel begins before Noon – after 2pm) $23.00 Dinner (travel begins before 6pm – after 8pm) TIP: The exact time when travel begins is what should be recorded on form. The exact time when the traveler arrives back at his/her destination should be recorded on form. Use AM/PM times.
Travel Guidelines Staff Member Approvals Staff Member TravelRequired Approval Professional Development Travel Request Form In-County Advanced approval is not required No Out-of-CountyPrincipal or DirectorYes Out-of-County Overnight within 60 miles of work location Principal or Director AND Superintendent staff Yes; written explanation required Out-of-StatePrincipal or Director AND Superintendent staff AND School Board Approval* Yes *Required by state law: Travel requests must be received 6 to 8 weeks prior to Board date for approval.
Travel Guidelines Principal or Director Approvals Principal or Director Travel Required Approval Professional Development Travel Request Form In-County Advanced approval is not required No Out-of-CountySuperintendent staffYes Out-of-County Overnight within 60 miles of work location Superintendent staffYes; written explanation required Out-of-StateSuperintendent staff AND School Board approval* Yes *Required by state law: Travel requests must be received 6 to 8 weeks prior to Board date for approval. TIP: A Principal or Director cannot approve their own travel.
Travel Guidelines Examples of Supporting Documents Conference Workshop Agenda Registration Receipt or P-Card statement ID number Lodging receipt (approval required if over the allowance of $150 single or $175 double) Airline ticket/baggage fee receipt Parking and/or toll receipts Rental car agreement receipt Gas receipts Only reimbursed when a county or rental vehicle is used for transportation
Travel Guidelines Travel Economically Travel should be done in the most economical manner possible. o Carpooling should be considered o Lodging should be sought at the lowest possible room rate
Travel Guidelines Reimbursement Payment Travel for employees is paid through payroll Will show on pay stub Class C Meals only are taxable Travel for non-employees is paid through accounts payable Check is issued
Travel Guidelines Reimbursement Submission Travel Reimbursement forms should be completed and submitted within 30 days after travel ends. Traveler signature and date are required on all forms & receipts. Administrator signature(s) are required on all forms. Original signatures required. Submit all original forms and attachments to the Accounts Payable Department.
Travel Guidelines Contacts Denise Sheffield, Accounts Payable Extension Karin Smith, Accounts Payable Extension 42292
Budget Information
Running YTD Reports Set year to 2016 and period to 99 Period 99 allows items that have not posted (i.e. p- card charges) to still show up on your report Budget amendments will not show on report until the amendment is posted
Budget Information 2015 – 2016 Budget Information Book (Chart of Accounts) Book is located on the Finance Services website At the bottom of the page select 2016
Budget Information Moving Budget to Schools For one school Complete a budget amendment to move the budget to the school’s cost center For multiple schools Budget department may set up a roll up group The budget stays in your department Available to be used at the schools’ cost center
Budget Information Reminders Department Expenditures in your project Items for schools should not be purchased with these funds Ordering for Schools Expenditures need to be placed at the schools’ cost centers Please notify the school bookkeeper so they can confirm when the items are received
Budget Information Contacts Jayne Haire, Financial Accounting Analyst – Budget Extension Christine Higgins, Sr. Finance Assistant Extension 42567
P-Card Procedures
Receipts/Invoices Itemized Receipts and Invoices on TCM Purchases for another cost center Scanning documents in order Missing Receipt Affidavit Credit Transactions Signatures Conference registrants and receipts Renewals, memberships, or subscriptions
P-Card Procedures Transactions and Approvals Incorrect vendor Preapprovals Approvals for Capital Special Requests Partial shipments Cardholders who retire, transfer or resign Credit Limits Manage daily 10 day limit to dispute a charge
Contracts Requirements for complete contract in Munis Munis Contract options When to use encumbered contracts Contract Approval Process
Finance Procedure Reminders Purchases with approvals P-Card, PO, or Contract Request for Payment should be exception not rule Fixed Assets Items over $750 to be tagged MIS 212 to move to cost center Computer requests for next Lease cycle – March FileMaker Pro including coding for funding ANY coding going out needs to be reviewed by Finance Need to see final memo before sending
Updates True North Logic to sign up for training Monthly Newsletter Ethics Hotline