Never trust Australians; are Banksia and Acacia becoming a problem in New Zealand? Gary Houliston, Peter Heenan Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand
Lots of bad / unpleasant things come from Australia:
Plant Invasions in New Zealand introduced plant species in New Zealand 700 new emerging weeds reported in the last 20 years (approx 1 every 10 days) Border incursions are minor!
Genetics of plant invasions Plants usually undergo a “lag-phase” between introduction and invasion What causes plants to emerge from the “lag-phase” –Local adaptation –Propagule pressure
Two case studies: Acacia pravissima Banksia integrifolia
“Coastal Banksia” Popular nursery plant! Australian Dryland / coastal species Sampling across Australian / New Zealand Ranges
Banksia integrifolia in NZ Planted to stabilise sand dunes / ornamental Naturalising in several regions Fast growing, high seed output Widespread coastal species in native range
Microsatellites developed for Banksia oblongifolia Five reliable markers 2- 8 alleles per locus Initial analysis for 98 individuals (27 from NZ, 71 from Aust)
QLD N = 17 NSW, VIC N = 54 NZ N = 27
Principle Co-ordinate Analysis Pco 1 = NSW / Vict, 2 = NZ, 3 = QLD
Why does it matter? Variable populations are generally: –Healthier / more vigorous –Better able to resist control agents –More likely to match the local environment –Have full suite of reproductive types
Acknowledgements Landcare Research FRST Capability Fund Linda Broadhurst / Andrew Young CSIRO Melbourne University Herbarium